
I really like this girl but I don't know what I should say to her, please help?

by  |  earlier

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She's a girl I used to date in high school. We had a sort of graduation/reunion party a few nights ago and she looked better than ever. Anyway there was alcohol there and I got really drunk. She helped me into the bathroom when I threw up and helped me onto my friend's bed (where i threw up again in my friend's garbage bag). And then while I was lying there on the bed I was saying something and then I said "you know...I still love you..." She said I would always have a place in her heart, and she sort of patted my head and left.

I don't know what to do! She broke up with her boyfriend not too long ago. Do you think she still has feelings for me? How should I approach her after that whole thing?




  1. ..." She said I would always have a place in her heart, and she sort of patted my head and left.

    ANSWER--->move on.

  2. I think you should have had her pick you up some french toast.

  3. She was just being nice,  she's definitely not into you anymore.

  4. I know someone with a similar story but the names and characters are fictional.  Anyway, the approach is: give her a call, you goof!  Throwing up is a not a scene she wants to remember you by.   Invite her to a pleasant lunch which usually provides a woman a comfortable environment(no alcohol, not incoherency), and a man a place to pick her thoughts.

  5. The first thing you should do is wipe the puke off your chin and brush your teeth really well.

  6. Well just being friends for a start will do no end of good.

    And in the end beleive in yourself and let the best man win!!!

  7. Ummm, you acted like a total dumbass in front of her after all that time and you think she is suppose to tell you she loves you back, she prolly thought the only reason you said it is because you were drunk, how is she suppose to feel ''some guy just puked a foot from me twice and then says he loves me what am i to do with that??''

    First of all a girl does not think a guy drunk and puking is attractive at all..sorry. You should have stayed sober maybe a lil tipsy but thats it, then you could have been able to have a real converstion with her by the end of the night. Plus you proved to her that you cant go to a party with out getting hammered, I mean she is prolly thinking gosh if I got with him would I have to do this after every party we go to???

    Yeah buddy move on...if she really liked you she would have spent the night with you and took care of you in the morning. screwed that one up.

  8. um dont get DRUNK.SMOKE DANK WEED

    weed is much better than crappy alcohol also you are more in control and you arent as likely to rape her or beat her. so yeah if you gonna get messed up get some weed

    and um. TALK to her and try not to be drunk ( for some reason women tend to not like to party in my experience they would prefer if your not drunk or high for some reason i dont know why but they like to talk more when you are sober so also um yeah just ask her out and be yourself. Sense you used to date her i am sure it shouldnt be hard to find things to talk to her about

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