
I really like this girl but she has a boyfriend. What do i do?

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I've liked her for about 3 years but i didn't feel like i could do anything about it and now i feel like i can but..she has a boyfriend. Any answers? ...and i want more than you just telling me to wait til she breaks up with him




  1. Well just talk to her loads and become Friends with her then act really nice towards her and she will eventually realise that u are better than him

  2. Well really there is nothing you can do about it at the mo. She must be with him for the reason that she likes HIM. You kinda lost out when you didnt have the nerve to do anything..these things happen. She didn't know about your feelings then and so now she is with someone. Don't tell her about your feelings at all. It is not fair on her to be given the burden of knowing someone else wants to be with her...and if she did like you..would force her into an unbearable situation.

    I think you just have to accept that she is in a relationship now and try to forget about your feelings for her..I know it is waaaaaay easier for me to say it..than for you to do it..but really..that is all you can do now.


  3. try flirting

    she might realise your way better than her boyfriend

    good luck


  4. I'm in the same boat as you, only haven't been in it for 3 years. The advice that I have gotten before was to move on, but its hard to accept that trust me I know, and I still haven't, and others have told me to just be there for her, but not to much where you "interfere" with her relationship with the other guy.

    My advice to you that I feel you should do is to just show, not tell her you care for her and just wait it out as best you can, it will be hard really hard sometimes, especially if you have to see them together, as if thinking about it wasn't hard right, but anyways just be patience. Also don't over to do, to where you MIGHT scare her away, or push her away.

    "If you love something, let it go. If it's meant to be, it will come back to you."

  5. You must move on. Give yourself the opportunity to meet someone else. She is with him, so you weren't meant to be.

  6. You and I are in the same situation, except I met my dream girl a few days ago, whereas you've known your woman for years. All I can say is, why haven't you asked her out in all these years? She can't, and clearly didn't, wait forever man! You should have made the move. But I'd try and move on. It's like me. She's perfect. Beautiful and smart, but she's taken. Man I was pissed when I found out. Honestly it sucks cuz I don't know whether to put her out of my mind completely or not. If you are her friend, then I'd say you've fallen into the friend zone, the no-man's land of relationships. That is, you've become her platonic friend, and not a serious candidate for a relationship. It's a S****y situation my friend.

    So, my advice? Find a new girl. It's the truth, it's hurts I know. It sucks.

  7. please don't ruin other peoples life. there is plenty of woman out there then man. and don't wast time. 3 years is allot of passion. not me i don't have the time

  8. tell her how you feel

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