
I really like this girl...what should i do?!?

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I like a girl from work...

we talk a lot while working and joke around...(pretty much flirting)

I got her number and we have been least every other day

and we share alot about ourselves to each other.

we both are busy so we haven't been able to hang out...

A week ago i went on vacation to Wisconson Dells and i was texting her from there before bed

i had the wierdest dream where she was dating my friend and so when i woke up i asked her if she would ever want to date (in fear of me waiting too long and her finding someone else). When she replied she said that she wasn't ready to be in a relationship but that i would make the perfect boyfriend, she then said that maybe we could when we both were ready and she loved knowing she had me as a trustworthy friend.

Since then, everything is the same as before.

-Do you think she likes me at all, and i have a chance; or do you think she is just rejecting me in a kind way?

-where should i go from here?

-should i keep reminding her that i like her?

-Is there something i am missing?




  1. I think she likes you, she's just simply not ready for a relationship. Perhaps it's her busy schedule as you've mentioned, or maybe she's not over her last relationship. I think you should remain her friend. I ended up marrying my best friend of 8 years. He did a little dating of his own while I had been in a couple of relationships during that time and then we finally got together. I don't think you should rub it in that you like her just continue be an amazing person to her. She may come around and ask you out first.

  2. dude just treat her like a woman should be treated and everything will work out

    just wait a little while

  3. You're too obsessive, learn to keep things basic and your life will be great.

  4. I would give her space, don't push the topic to hard as you run the risk of pushing her away. These type of relationships do have the tendency to sometimes turn sour.

    In the meantime I would do my homework and just get to know her better, take her out more (movies/ dinner/ or hey maybe even a picnic somewhere nice.

    Even though you say you haven't had time to hang out as of yet, you should probably try and make time.

    As the saying goes live life like every day is your last. You don't want to be sitting back thinking now what if?

    So go get her tiger don't let this one slip through your fingers!

    Good luck!

  5. umm..probably

    there can be a lot of reason why she answered you like that.

    first thing, she might had a nightmare in her past relationship

    that's why she's not ready to get into another relationship

    like had a phobia to get hurt by a man again.

    secondly, she might have a lot of responsibility like family.

    for then she can't enter a relationship to concentrate on her

    first priority. and lastly, maybe she likes you but as of now...

    just a friend. maybe, she's a type of a girl who wants to know

    someone deeply first before accepting that person to enter her heart.

    wise move. so i think, continue having a good relationship with her.

    we don't know that might be the way to get her heart when the right

    time comes...

  6. I don't think you should wait to long for her to be honest. I had exactly the same situation with someone i worked with, we texted, then went out on a date, i didn't like him in that way and told him i wasn't ready as a way of letting him down gently, when he didn't listen i told him i didn't fancy him, even now he is still texting me saying he won't give up and i refuse to be even friends with him now. She probably did enjoy the flirting and attention, i would say ask her if she would like to go out for dinner or something. If not don't wait around for her, i'm sure if she likes you she will initiate something, and if you're free and willing then go for it. It is a common form of letting someone down gently though. Good luck

  7. If she says just a friend, find someone else, she's letting you down easy

  8. - I think she likes you but she's not ready, like she said. Take it slow. Ask her out on a date and don't be too forward.

    - Ask her out on a date. Tell her you'll take it as slow as she wants.

    - Don't reminder her constantly. Occasionally is okay. But if you keep doing it she will be pressured.

    Keep doing what you're doing and it will work out.  

  9. I'd would suggest taking it just as you are, slowly.  Hang out with her, spend time, have fun.  Discover each other more.  If she says she is not ready, having her discover more that she likes about you, will move that process along.  

    Dont Rush Things....all good things come to those who wait

    Dont sit around and wait for other girls if possible

    Dont talk to her about other girls.

    When she is ready, you will know.  

    Good Luck

  10. slip a pill into her drink and you no what to do from there...jks. Just tell her how you feel etc.

  11. start talkin to her..and you will be able to tell if she likes talkin to someone right now..every after that she doesn't have cheerleading..

  12. She sounds like shes actually into you, just go with it for a while and see what happens.  In a little while, bring it up again.  Good luck.

  13. you are not missing anything your heart is taking the lead and you need to realize that she told you that she wasnt looking for a relationship just yet but she did say that you would make good boyfriend material so the best piece of advice that I could give you is continue to be her friend do the same things that you have been doing enjoy her in whatever capacity that she may allow at this time and who knows you may get what you want but please do not pressure her or she wont even want you as a friend anymore.  

  14. no your not please do not worry. she said she's not ready so just give her time. she said she is not ready so give her time. she said you would be the perfect boyfriend and she said when she was ready she would want to go out so just keep everything the same.

    good luck.

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