
I really like this guy, what should I do ?

by  |  earlier

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So, there's this boy and he has just recently confessed that he likes me the only problem is he is currently dating my best friend. Now, when the both of us first started talking to this boy I really liked him but he seemed to be too into my best friend and my best friend liked him and I did not want to get in between them so nobody ever knew.

Last night me, him, and my best friend had all hung out. Nothing unusual, just driving around, listening to music. He had dropped his girlfriend off first, only because I live more by him and it was easier. After my friend got out I had hopped into the front seat. Then he was driving me home, but we pulled into the parking lot across the street from the bank and just talked about life, problems, stuff like that. Now this really wasn't unusual, we were like really good friends and talked about everything, and my best friend was aware of this.

That same night when I got home he had texted me telling me he had something to tell me. He was really nervous about telling me, but he had told me that he liked me. Of course I questioned him about my best friend, asking him why he was going out with her if he liked me.

He explained everything to me. Telling me how he didn't want to lose me as a friend if he hurt my best friend, which I had told me him that was not right what so ever. But in a way it did make sense because him and his girlfriend never kissed or even hugged, they barley even talked to one another. He was more trustworthy with me and told me more stuff than he did her.

He always asked me to hang out and stuff but I always said no unless my best friend was going to be there. I was honest with him and told him I did like him, but I also told him I can't promise that him and I can ever be together. He offered me a ride to school this morning but I had refused it because he is still with my best friend. Now he is going to break up with her, but she never calls him and everytime he calls her, her phone is off.

Now, i'm not the type of person to do stuff behind my friends back. I'm a very loyal, trustworthy friend, it's just I truly do like this guy, a lot. And i'm really stuck as of what to do right now. Any advice?




  1. Hiya,

    looking for the best dating site? why not try this one it has an advanced chat and a match system which uses video audio or you can just type, it has a sms text service and you can add music videos and upto 50 pics on your profile. The best thing is that it is free!

  2. find out if ur friend even likes him her side of feelings for him if they arent strong then it shouldnt really matter


    jsut let things fall into place i guess

    maybe he mite do sometnig tat makes her hate him and then u 2 can be together

  3. If he wants to break up with his girlfriend because he found you to be more suited to his liking, then there's nothing you can do to control or stop that. BUT, if that does happen, and he's pursuing you and things get on a more serious level, DON'T make the mistake of holding on too quickly or too much just because you like him a lot. Let it be what it's going to be...ALLOW it to fall into (or out of) place. He likes you, fine.  You like him, cool. If it MOVES to another will get there...on it's own. And just like IF at some point he loses interest, let him...that's his choice, too. And that's okay! Just get to know him as a PERSON--not a potential boyfriend and you'll be alright.

    Good Luck!

  4. Myself, I'd tell him that I like him too.  I'd also tell him that as long as he's dating my best friend, that we can just be friends.  If he really does want more with you, he can break it off with her.

    If he's willing to "two time" with you and her, what's to say he won't two time on you behind your back?  Just a thought.  

    I think his reaction to your insistence on one girlfriend at a time will be most telling about who he really is on the inside.

  5. Tough Question

    First of all you need to talk to your friend.

    You may not want to directly bring up her boyfriend. But before you do anything concerning this guy you need to talk to her about it.

    How she feels about him.

    How you feel, and how he feels.

    If she's a real friend she'll still be there to talk to you.

    To let you know what she is and isn't okay with.

    You can't help who you fall in love with.

    Let her know what he's been saying to you because she still is your friend and you'd want to know if your boyfriend liked someone else. Even if they aren't that close.

    If she doesn't understand then try to put it a different way, If she won't even listen to you, that isn't your fault. She's taking it the way she wants to.

    You just need to make sure you talk to her first.

    She may even agree that it's best.

    I hope I helped a little

    Good luck!!!

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