
I really like this guy but......

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I really like this guy but......

Right, the other day i met this guy from the internet, we met up one day and all was going well, we were talking and all that, then he kissed me, so i assumed he liked me. i thought the day went really well we spent a few hours with each other. i really like this guy and he kinda gave me the impression he liked me too.

Anyways we planned to remeet one weekend and go camping. the next day i spoke to him online and he said his tyre had bust and so he cant make it. He doesnt really seem to be speaking to me as much online either. i dont know what to do really. this is the first g*y guy i have met and really liked, this is kinda my first g*y releationship.

The only problem is i dont know what to do, i really do like this guy and i think about him all the time. i really want this to work. he is worried because we live about 30 minutes from each other the releationship might not work.

and advice would be great thanks guys.




  1. you said g*y guy, and your name is olivia.????

    be careful as too who you meet online be careful ,because they don't have"i'm a good person"," i'm a pervert," written on their forhead. Be very careful, go along with a good friend from your neighbor hood, never be alone with a stranger.

    kisses can also carry germs(hepitititis) etc...

    Don't seem soo desperate,and naive.

  2. g*y ,,,,They have diseases out there they don't even have names for yet let alone a cure ,,,, g**s are a major cause in the spread of them ,,,, You didn't mention your gender but you'd better get your head on straight and stop letting your glands do your thinking for you ,,,, You could wind up with something you don't want but will last you the rest of your natural life ,,,,    //

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