
I really love Lunchables.?

by  |  earlier

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but I want to try and make a lunchables like lunch for work/class using this very lunchables like lunchbox which I think is very cute.

My question is what kind of low fat/low salt cheeses and meats can I use to cut shapes and stick in a bento/lunchbox?




  1. Easy -- come to our Flickr group for Laptop Lunchers, where those of who love and use the Laptop Lunch system all gather and post our recipes, ideas, and most importantly, pictures of our packed lunches. You'll receive literally hundreds of ideas for packing things much healthier than lunchables.  It can be really inspiring, and you can post questions and the group will answer them.  It can be addicting!  Link shown below.

    Once you finish browsing the Laptop Lunch flickr group, be sure to check out the other bento box groups. I love the Mr. Bento p**n group, as well.

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