
I really need advice for taking the SAT I AGAIN?

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Oh man am I stressed/disappointed.

I took the SAT I in june after studying for weeks. It was my second time taking it, and I was hoping that this time my score would be better (my first score was 1810 combined).

Then I recieved my score this morning:

Critical Reading 640

Math 520

Writing 720

Combined: 1880

The other ones are okay, but writing isn't even regarded as important most of the time! My math is even lower than last time (560) and I don't know if I should take the SAT again. I'm in California so I don't know how the SAT/ACT preferred thing works, but I took the ACT just in case and am going to receive my score.

I'm so disappointed at math, I hate the SAT. I really just hate it.

Advice really appreciated.




  1. Honestly, I would take the test again. Maybe get a tutor or ask friends what they did to study for the test, if they did at all. If you take the test again and continue to improve, it will show colleges how willing you are to try as hard as you can to get a good score and how willing you are to apply yourself to your work.

  2. personally i would not be complaining you got a 1880 this time!!!! you brought it up but if you really want to take it again just be sure to study some more.  you're doing fine now but they'll take your highest score from each time in each section to get your final score so the 520 wont count they'll use the 560

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