
I really need advice on teaching the bible.?

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I'm a christian who loves God, and wants to do a job that glorifies him. I was thinking about teaching the bible at community college. I want to be a teacher.

Also I want to get a B.S. in biology, so that I could say:

Hey look!! The Lord cleary designed this animal. See how the peacock feathers look so amazing. Can I get a B.S. in biology without going against God. Also what degree do I need, to teach the bible at community college. I would greatly appreciate feedback. I want to be a teacher, but would like to glorify God, doing it. Thanks




  1. To teach anything at a community college you need a masters degree with 18 hours in the field you want to teach.  You'll find that in most job descriptions for adjunct (part-time) faculty in the site noted below.

    Community college don't teach Bible classes. They might have a Bible as literature class, but that's not common, and those classes would be offered through their English or communications department. You'd need a masters in English or communications to teach it.

    Since community colleges are tax-supported institutions, you couldn't bring your religious views into the classroom.

    If you want to teach, why not do some and see what happens? I recommend Precept Ministries because their materials are educationally sound as well as Biblically sound. They are used in many schools around the world to teach reading skills. The organization also has a program in eastern Europe in which they offer a Microsoft-certified training program using Precept materials.


  2. If you want to glorify God in you life, then so long as you're doing his will for you and allowing him to lead you in the decisions you make, then you will be glorifying him, no matter what job you end up doing.  If God has given you gifts (such as ability in biology) then you glorify him by using those gifts.

    To teach the bible you will need to have at least a degree in theology, probably a masters/PhD as well if you want to teach at a higher level than school education.  It sounds like you're not quite sure what path God is leading you at the moment - is it theology or is it biology.  If you think it is the theology route and you still a BS in biology, you could always study the biology through a distance learning university.

    My advice would be to take time out to be certain where God wants you be.  Talk to other people at your church and get their guidance and your teachers at school.  Most importantly, remember that you can always change your mind!

  3. As it is said, "seek and you shall find" so I am sure you are asking God to direct you to the purpose He has for your life. The awesomeness of God allows us to glorify Him everyday in every way in all we do and all we say.  Our lives are His so He owns everything about us but gives us choice.  You have made the important choice of accepting the gift of being His.  With that said, if your desire is biology, God definitely did some of His best work there.  A Christian who knows God's word AND the scientific explanation is best equipped to explain to the carnally minded the glory of God.

  4. Of course you can!!

    My best advice for you is to talk to the one that matters - God. He can advise you much better than anyone on Yahoo answers.

    But, im guessing you want an opinion. You definately can. You have pure motives! GCSE students have to study Evolution and stuff like that for their course, but its not anti-chrsitian. Knowing about these things doesnt put you against God. believing these things and denouncing God is what will get you in trouble as a Christian.

    You should go to Bible college. That would be enough to get you into teaching, but i'm not sure. Its a great course, and many Christians get a lot out of it.

    Good luck, and may God be with you. Its nice to see someone who wants to tell others about Him.

  5. Another word for studying God is called theology. It means the study of God. And yes you could swear but you need to pray the prayer of sorrow like 3 times. I don't know what degree you need but i hope that his helps.

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