
I really need all of you to help me please!! 504 plan?

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My son was diagnosed with severe dyslexia and mild dysgraphia. We live in San Jose, California. I am prepared to go to the school on the first day and speak with the principal in regards to a 504 plan. How long does the school and or district have to respond. I want to get my "ducks" in a row, so I know what rights my son has.

I truly thank you for your help.


A Mom




  1. Here's an organization in your area you can contact for information, advice and/or assistance:

  2. Basically they have 60 days to evaluate from receiving your request. You will want to read up on IDEA, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. I would submit your request in writing and keep a copy as well as follow up and verify receipt.

    60 days is required by law as stated here

    Also, I am unclear on the retention aspect. Is he being held back from 5th grade? This may not ultimately be a bad thing for him, but I would weigh possible courses of action. He will likely qualify and have an IEP Individualized Education Plan which gives him either time with a resource teacher or be assigned full-time in a SDC Special Day Class for students with specific learning disabilities.

    Make sure his IEP provides accommodations for test taking for him. He does not need to bubble anything, an educator can do that for him. I would be interested in seeing what his results are on the STAR test after a good Special Ed teacher figures out what the best conditions are for your son to take a test. Test anxiety for special needs kids are pretty high and that is a process that takes time to optimize.

    Some other links for you to learn more and connect with other parents:

    In my district a case manager is assigned to a student and I would try and learn who that is and how to contact them.

  3. 504 plan is not good for your childs problems. 504 is for accomodations and modifications such as more time for tests, more time at lockers, sit at front of class, etc.

    504 does NOT help with 'remediating' learning problems such as teaching a child to actually read, write, do math,etc.

    For this your child needs special education services (IEP plan)

    To get this started, write to district sped director requesting an

    ''initial full educational evaluation testing in all areas of suspected disabilties to determine if your child is eligible for special ed services as specified by IDEA law''.

    Date this letter and keep a copy for yourself. Each state has a different timeline, but they will have from 45 to 60 days to have this completed and hold an eligibility IEP meeting.

    '''They said he will be in the mandatory retention, Which I think is punishing him for his disabilty.'''

    You do NOT have to agree to the retention. They can NOT do this if you do not agree. Just write to them stating you do not want him held back and that you do not agree with it. If they say you have no choice, tell them to show you their written policy stating they can hold back your child without your agreement. There is none.

    Children with learning problems need DIFFERENT instruction, not be held back and get more of the SAME instruction which is causing them to fail in the first place.

    And the ONLY way to get this different instruction is thru IEP plan (special ed)

    YOu wrote -- From a private source. This school does not provide testing.

    If this is a public school, it is correct in saying they don't provide testing to diagnose a childs learning problems. But they DO do testing to determine if a child qualifies for special ed services.

    Here's a message board where you can write and ask questions and get LOTS of great help --

    If you need help, email me

  4.  <==read chapter one of this online guide.  You can also purchase a copy (they gently ask for a $20 donation) but the online version is green friendly and just as efficient a guide.  You're subject line asked "504 Plan" but will this be enough to meet the needs of your child?  Accomodations under a 504 Plan are helpful but limiting.  If your child has a suspected disability here's a sample letter:

    Dear Special Education Director:

    Our son/daughter <name> is diagnosed with <disorder, disorder>.  He or she is having difficulty as follows:

    <create a laundry list of ALL your child's difficulties and group them in categories such as "communication domain", "behavior domain", "peer interaction and social skills domain", "organizational skills and executive functioning domain", "sensory integration processing" , "academic domain <and describe subjects and details of his or her difficulties such as comprehension, multiplication, word problems, etc.>"

    Therefore, we believe that our child may likely qualify for IEP services and/or 504 accomodations.  We are requesting for an assessment plan for <and then request for the domain areas you want the District to evaluate such as Academics, Speech/Language/Functional Communication, Assistive Technology, Sensory Integration/OT, Functional Skills and Behavioral Assessment, or whatever else>.  

    Please develop an assessment plan within 15 days.  We understand that once we sign the assessment plan, the district must complete the assessments within the 60 day timeline.  We are formally requesting that all draft written reports are given to us at least three to five business days before the IEP meeting so that we have time to read and review all the information that will be presented.  In addition, please consider this our formal written notification that we will be tape recording the IEP meeting.  We look forward to (1) receiving an assessment plan, an (2) receiving an IEP meeting notice within the 60 day timeline.  Please contact us to arrange for three mutually convenient times and dates for an IEP meeting so that both my husband and I can attend.  If someone from the District will be taking notes during the IEP, please make sure that our "parent input" is accurately reflected in the notes.  At the conclusion of the IEP, we will be submitting our own "Parent Concerns" notes page for official attachment to our son's / daughter's IEP.





  5. Although you privately paid for assessments, the district does have a right to do their own assessments, BUT they must "seriously consider" the assessment results you obtained.  You need to request for an assessment.  You can use Sample Letter #2 located here:  The school district must develop an assessment plan within 15 days.  NorCal Advocate's answer included some very good areas to assess.  Read the assessment plan carefully.  If they left out an area, there should be an area for you to write in anything else you want assessed.  Once the assessment plan is signed, they must perform the assessments and have the followup IEP meeting with 60 calendar days of signing the assessment plan.  Make sure you invite your private assessors to this IEP meeting.

    Also make sure you put all your concerns in writing.  It is okay to talk to the principal, but make sure you bring a copy of your written concerns.  In your written statement, make sure you request that they make this letter a part of your child's file.

    Make sure you tape record the IEP meeting.  Do LOTS of reading.  Make sure to check out our website at under Downloads and Info for some tips and info.  Feel free to contact me directly with questions.

  6. how can the school not provide testing-

    even if he is in an out of district palcement (like a charter school) teh home school district must provide testing for learnign disabilities.

    Most states provide services for dyslexia/dysgraphia through an IEP--although some states use other programs.

    the 504 is an option if all you need is accommodations--not actually special ed services....

    he needs to be retested with accommodations---someone to help with teh bubbling--if he can just put in a light mark and have an aide fill it it--that would be good--otherwise--he says the letter-teh aide fills in it...

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