
I really need an agency?

by  |  earlier

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im 13 years old and im in a summer apprenticeship led by a professional singer in philly...she commented on my actiing ability and told me i have an amazing ability and told me to look at getting an agent because she thinks i could have a great career in acting.....

first of all i need an agent...where should i look

also i want to start small...with commercials, could someone give me some advice





  1. As the mother of an up and coming teen actress

    You need to be 18. The ones that pray on young kids are frauds that charge you money. You should NEVER have to pay for anything. If you want to be in commercials or movies find out if a movie is being made in your area

    ( Usually advertised in your local paper) become an extra. Also it will help you if you are involved in school plays and community plays

    GOOD LUCK you just have to wait a little longer

  2. all real agents are free.

    and only get 10-20 % of the money you make doin commercials etc.

    if some1 says you ahve to pay them for them to be your agent they their a scam!

    and you need to bget experience cause it will look great on your resume example:

    acting classes

    singing classes

    plays(major roles wouild look great)

    and go to for auditions hope i helped

    also at the agent site click table on contents on the right and click the city nearest you!

  3. Okay, so before you even start to look for an agent, i would recommend acting classes- even if you are a great actor, they will help you ALOT. Trust me, i am an actress myself, and having acting classes on my resume makes me look more experienced. Also,  would also help you a ton if you got a headshot and a resume, so that casting directors will remember you. btw, if a director wants money from you it is a scam. Good Luck!


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