
I really need an answer! has abortion effected the population of america?

by Guest64646  |  earlier

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or give me a way to find out




  1. How has it affected the population?

    There are less people than there would be if there were no abortion.

  2. The word is "affected" and contrary to the above emotionally charged post's contention, no "babies" have been "killed."

    The whole problem with the abortion controversy -- on both sides -- is the inability of people to refrain from the use of inflammatory language.

  3. so far..... over 48,589,993 babies have been killed by abortions...... in the United States alone, since 1973.

  4. There's a book out called "Freakanomics" whose author theorizes, quite unpopularly, that crime is now decreasing because a lot of criminals were never born - they were aborted before they ever had the chance to grow up to be criminals.  The theory is that many troubled women, without means to properly raise their children as productive citizens, got abortions - and if these children had been born, they would have had a much higher inclination to grow up to be criminals.

    Even if you strongly disagree with the theory, it's a fascinating concept and the book is a really interesting read - pick up a copy and see what you think.

  5. it has given women freedom

    During the 1980s and 1990s total abortions stayed about 1,550,000 annually, slowly decreasing in the 1990s. Note that the Guttmacher Institute reported that 10% of known abortion providers did not report. Adding 10% to its 1,550,000 equals 1,700,000. The total reported slowly decreased in the 1990s. When the unreported abortions are added (income tax evasion, cover-up for privacy, etc.), a figure of 1,800,000 may be more realistic. Live births have hovered just under 4,000,000. Therefore: Almost every third baby conceived in America is aborted.\

  6. I think for sure, it got people talking about s*x and life and death and human rights...something that was not publically talked about before the 1970s.

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