
I really need boy help!!?

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I met this boy last year at band camp he plays drums and is so good looking but super shy. Ive liked him for a whole year now and he found out i liked him last year so he has know but for a while he liked me but didn't make a move and I don't know if he likes me anymore but i feel like if he still likes me he would of made a move by now. And also he always looks at me but does he do that just to see if I'm looking at him? What should I do and I cant just move on.




  1. obviously you need to make a move and ask him straight up what hes thinking cause hes not a mind reader and could be thinking the same thing you are and waiting for you to make a move. Plus guys are total diferent then us girls so they are not thinking that you have to make a move to prove that they like you like we do. also in this day and age everyone thinks that the guy should make the first move or you will feel stupid which is so not true..

  2. well, you should gather up all of your courage & go talk to him. (:

    that's what i'd TRY to do. xD

    like, go up to him and say hi.

    if he says hi back, try starting a fun and simple conversation with him.

    who knows, you guys might be friends by the end of camp.

    maybe even MORE. [;

    hope this helped. <3

  3. do you play a flute?  I've heard rumors that some girls can do some neat tricks with a flute at band camp that would get EVERY guys attention.

  4. Right well, 1st it doesn't mean he doesn't like you if he hasn't make a move, as u said he's shy, so he probably to shy to ask u out, 2nd has he keeps looking at u, i'd say he likes you to, but the only way to find out is if you make the first move as he isn't. And if you don't then it will just carry on the way it is. Hope this helps... Good luck!  

  5. believe said he was then he obviously is afraid of what you would say. big deal ask him out if his answer is no..then move on..but you will never get anywhere if you dont try! =)

    if his answer is yes then look! you have a boyfriend!

  6. I have seen a lot of this sort of problem on here. You need to be up front with him about your feelings. Guys often don't pick up on what you think are signals. We just don't notice them. Tell him you still like him. The worst that happens is you stay in the situation you are in now.

  7. he probaly does like you but is shy. maybe he just respects you enough not to make a move so to speak. Be patient and wait it out. He will come around. I'm sure he will. I don't know how old you are but at any age you'll find the shy ones are the most respectful and kind.

  8. He probably still thinks of you if he looks at you. That means yer important to to him try to make friends with him. If you don't know what to say try to plan things to yerself in the mirror :]

    <3 kyleekins

  9. (my friend's opinion)

    well you just said he's shy, so of course he's not going to make a move. he likes you also from what you are describing. he still doubts if you actually like him. just approach him and ask him out. it's a little weird for a girl to ask out a dude, but at least he'll know you like him back for sure. most likely he'll say yes. i used to be this way.

    (my opinion)

    He is a nerd, dont talk to him, pick a cooler guy

  10. Its never too late...MAKE A MOVE!!!.......good luck =]]

  11. since he's lookin' at you then he's absolutely intressted to know if are lookin at him that means he likes you and he's wonderin if you like him too so if i were you i'd look  at him and smile every time i see him lookin at me ..if he smiles back then one of us gotta make a move...good luck  

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