
I really need everyone advice please.?

by  |  earlier

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my baby is 5mnts old. but his dad kept spank him, when I told him not to it, he told me, he doesn't like the baby, he will like him when he's like 2 years old but he used to love the baby. what should I do? any advice please?




  1. I have never heard of anyone spanking such a young baby.  Shame on him.  5 months is way too young to understand and is definitely too young to discipline.  I don't believe in disiplining with spanking.  He doesn't like the baby? What a loser.  When he is two he will be a lot more difficult.  He used to love the baby? Well tell him that you used to love him and you don't anymore and tell him to get out.  Then report him and get a restraining order against him.  Don't allow this to go on any longer.  Since your baby is too young to defend himself you have to do it.  Don't let him down.

  2. Obviously it seems like he has the upper hand in your relationship because he's not even taking in consideration on how you want to raise the baby.  I don't believe in spanking, but 5 months old is WAY to young for the baby to understand anyway... honestly, he doesn't seem like a good guy with a stable personality and I would a.) try to talk to him b.) divorce him c.) call the cops... he will ruin the baby's life if he continues this behavior!!!  First three years of a baby's life is the most important!  Be Strong!

  3. You NEVER spank an infant. 5 Months is WAY too young to disapline, much less spank. I'm really sorry - but that man is not a good father, you and your baby will be better off without him. You need to get away, at least for a while. If he truely wants his family he can take parenting classes and learn how to be a good dad - If he does not care, he will just go on his way, and refuse to get help. But you are a mom now, and it is your job to keep that baby safe - maybe you can go stay with your mom or other family member for a while and hopefully he will get some help.

    My kids dad acted like that, he loved our first baby, but did not like the younger one - He went crazy and beat me, he didn't used to be like that, but he lost his mind. I finally got away from him and the kids and I are so much better off. He is getting worse and worse and about to go to prison now. It is sad, but I am so glad the kids and I are not around that behavior anymore.

    Email if you want to talk -- I've been through something much like what you are dealing with, and I know how hard it is.

  4. Listen to me: Take the child and GET THE h**l OUT! It may be difficult now...but, think. Imagine yourself in a few months staring down at your little boy's face in his casket. His little eyes that used to stare up at you...asking for you to protect him. They don't open anymore. No more little hands gripping your fingers. No more smiles for his momma. I want you to think about this. You owe it to your little one to protect him. He's waiting, mommy...get him away from that pain...PLEASE...before it's too late.

  5. Dump the jerk . Sounds to me he has no business being a father . A real father loves  his children , no matter what age. If he says he doesn't like the child at this age , he wont like it at any age . The challenges of parenthood get tougher with each year . There is no easy age. But if he was a good father he would know the rewards of being a parent is worth it . I love my children with all my heart and soul , the same now as the day they were born . He needs professional help and you need to get away from him until he gets these problems resolved . Best of luck to you,and be sure you give the little one the love it deserves . God bless.

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