
I really need help, chronic pain PLEASEE?

by  |  earlier

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Hello everyone.

I was diagnosed with a disease called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy in my right leg in 2006.

It started off in my ankle and is now up to my hip,


I'm having some of the worst pain in my life in my left leg.

Its got me in tears and vomiting and i just can't stand it.

If you have chronic pain, what do you do personally?!?!

How do you get yourself to get your mind off the pain.

I've tried everything

and please dont say advil/tylonel etc. i know you're just trying to help, but with chronic pain/rsd, even a billion shots of morphine won't work. thank you

*** Sorry about the third posting, i just need to know someone cares, and just see an answer. Please, just tell me what you do or how you get past this. Please, its just so bad :'(




  1. distract yourself somehow, by the way on my why are you awke question you mentioned it, it must be really bad.

  2. Wow i am sorry to hear about your pain sounds serious and i am surprise your Dr.s aren't doing more to help. I have heard that cancer patients  have a lot of pain and they  are actually given prescriptions  of marijuana maybe it could help you. I have also heard that  people with serious arthritis problems sting themselves with bees ask your Dr. which would be better for you.    

  3. Your question touched my heart.  I remember being where you are, having the same questions about how to just let go of the pain.  I don't have RSD but I was suffering from severe Rheumatoid Arthritis and, like you, pain meds didn't help.

    Although you are limited in the exercise you can do I wonder if it's possible for you to get to a pool.  Exercise is so important not only for physical health but also for mental and emotional health.  The nice thing about the pool also is, in water you might find that you feel more like a normal person, able to move around without all the pain.

    Meditation helps me so much and another technique called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) which you can google and get free information on how to get started.

    Stress is the leading cause of disease in the body.....sadly pain causes the body great stress so both of the above (meditation and EFT) can help you with stress.

    Make sure you are drinking lots of water and getting enough vitamin D and essential fatty acids. (Cod liver oil or fish oil capsules)

    For me the internet was a great source of distraction, nights were the worst for me.  I feared going to bed because the pain was worse at night, especially after sleeping for a hour.  I was so grateful that there were always people around to help distract me at all times of the day or night.  (I play bridge and made some very dear friends through the years, they were my lifeline).

    Good luck to you!        And honestly, I don't know how it happens exactly but in time you do learn how to block pain.

  4. You got the work peoples scinkgitic pain. Go see on Western doctor the orthopediac practice. It not that dieses name you say I'm so afraid. Not drugs will cure it. I seed people get better only fixed punched nerve.  

  5. your lucky they wont even let me try taking narotics but when i was on daldia (?) for 2 days i felt so much better after a surgery .. then they wouldnt give me anything

    sorry but i dont no how to help you i dont even no how to help myself what type of docter do you see .. and what kind of treatment have you had .. and o corse did it work or no thanks

    i just sent it so you can email me i had it blocked before if you want to

  6. Oh hun, I understand you completely. I had severe pain stemming from a neurological disease. It is a pain that you cannot seem to rightly put into words, people whom never experienced it cannot understand. Painkillers do not do a d**n thing. I nearly killed myself taking various pain meds and mixing alcohol hoping for even a slight bit of relief.

    I went into emerg on many occasions in tears and some nurses looking at you like your fishing for pain meds.

    I had one doctor in emerg the one time that was wonderful She ended up prescribing me some kick *** anti-inflammitories, and a day or two later finally came relief. Maybe they can try that route, they can't kill the pain immediately, but they may be able to alleviate the inflammation that isaggravatingg it all.

    In the meantime, rocking and humming seemed to help a bit. I called a good friend on manyoccasionss trying not to focus on it. I think that is a big key, do what you can to keep your mind off of it in any way you can. The more you concentrate on it the worse it seems to get.

    The only time I could personally ever get sleep when it was that bad was to have a few glasses of wine and finding the least painful position to lay in (and there were some interesting positions!) turned up the music, i likely fell asleep out of sheer exhaustion. But fell asleep none the less.

    I'm really sorry you are going through this, Hope this helped if even a little bit.


    Pain like that can mask the need to eat and drink etc. So make sure you stay well hydrated and get something good to eat. Listen to your favorite music and lose yourself in it.

  8. When you're in so much pain you go through a zen like state of mind, where anything you do, see, breathe, is pain. Think about the pain  that pregnant woman giving birth go through, and what they tell them " to concentrate, and breathe through it"... it's almost as if you need to reach a higher state of mind beyond the pain. Channel the pain in your mind somewhere else, and continue to meditate through it. It's tough to say what to do if you cannot seem to get relief through any other method. The mind is a powerful thing, and in combination to what ever else the doctors superscribed try it. I think one of the other girls had said try humming and rocking, and I used to do that through unbearable menstrual cramps. I would continue to repeat it until again my mind went into a higher state of consciousness and I was able to channel the pain into something that in my head was not pain, but rather an experience. I know I sound like a loonie, but you asked for something I did, and that's exactly what I do if medicine or anything else I've tried fails.

  9. I have rsd and fibromyalgia. Heat usually helps me. I have and still are taking narcotics as well as having had gangleon blocks at the base of my neck but they hadn't helped much either. Do you have a hot tub? Find a friend who has one and see if it helps. Good luck, I hope you feel better soon.

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