
I really need help.. I had unprotected s*x (but im ok) and my parents found out...?

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i really need help, i dont know how they found out but they did and they hate me and theyre disappointed what do i do??? i really really need help?




  1. Help with what?  You can't make your parents not be upset with you and you can't make your parents not disappointed.  You chose to have s*x and you got caught.  You'll just have to deal with the consequences.  You thought you were mature enough to handle sexual relations, so you should be mature enough to handle your parents.  Time will heal all wounds, but until then, just talk to them about it.

  2. wow, well i went through something like that ... only my aunt found out and told everyone. my best advice is don't apologize, because that means you regret it however, its your life its your choice and most of all its your business not theirs.

    But i hope things work out well!!!

  3. well im 14 and ive been having s*x since i was 13 and my parents found out by hearing people calling me a s**t... soo in ur case just tell them that ur in love nd that ur very sorry tht people make mistakes everyone isnt perfect... good luck hun  

  4. you should try talking to them and make sure you are not pregnate

  5. Your parents dont hate you. You really should be using protection though, no matter what.  But dont worry, it could be worse, my dumb *** decided i was ready to have s*x when i was 14 and snuck my boyfriend at the time into my room and my mom walking right in on it.  thats how she found out... :/       being a teenager was so much fun hahaha.. glad its over though

  6. tell them it was a special guy and get your parents to know him and see hes a good person and theyll forgive you.

  7. ur parents are going to be disappointed with what you chose to do but they could never hate u..they still love you and always will no matter what..ive learned that through experiences with my parents..just talk to them about it

  8. well if you are old enough to make the decision to have s*x then you are old enough to talk with them.

  9. Well, sooner or later they have to realise that you are going to grow up and have to learn things on your own. They are just worried about the consequences, I am guessing you are very young? Just let it blow over. The best you could do is show them that you where responsible and you are using birth control so you have taken precautions and are not like the majorit of teens out there that are uneducated and don't care. I bet if you knew how old they where when they lost their virginity they wouldn't be pointing fingers at you.

  10. The response of your parents is to be expected , but should not continue for more than a week . It's normal for your parents to be disappointed by you risking disease and pregnancy . But after a period of time they should get over it , or they will get you down and you may withdraw away from them .

    So if they really love you , they will get over it after a season , but you have to understand why they are disappointed with you , you could have totally changed the course of your life , and had a child or even worst got aids .

    The goal in life is to suffer pain , but not permanent damage , so that we can learn from our mistakes .

    Be glad and suffer the pain , of learning and be glad no permanent damage has occurred .

  11. y r u haveing unprotected s*x? USE A CONDOM... CUZ U MIGHT REGRET IT SOMEDAY... PLEASE B MORE CAREFUL.. ur parent r probally only mad becuz u didnt protect urself and most likely they still c u as their "little girl" but they ll come around .

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