
I really need help. Im going through a life crisis.

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I 21 but I'm going to be 22 in two months. I never wanted to go to college right away but my parents had a huge influence on me and I did. I wanted to take a year off and pursue my interests in music and art but i didnt. where i live now has no opportunity to practice either of these on the side. on top of that, I wont be done with school for another couple years. I dont know if its they small town making me feel old or the fact i havent done anything with my life. Im 22, old car, no boyfriend or friends to speak of. All my old friends are married with kids. I never went out to clubs because work/school and all last year I was sick and couldnt even work. I feel like im too old to puruse music and art because society today is obsessed with age. I also NEVER wanted to get married or have kids but now i feel if i cant pursue my interests i might as well start looking for someone to marry me before i get too old. I cant eat or sleep. I need advice.




  1. Artists are so passionate about their craft that they let nothing stand in their way. You can pursue the arts even if you are in college. And age is not a factor. Marrying for the reasons you mention would not be good. You are not too old to pursue music and art. Is there a community theatre where you are? I don't think you should give up on your dreams. You can have dreams at the same time you take care of the practical matters like education. And....22 is YOUNG!!

  2. Hey,

    I know now you think 22 is old because your friends are already married, etc.

    You don't have to decide what to do with your life yet.  22 is really young.  

    I'm 28 and don't know what I'll do with my life.  I went to college and graduated in 2002, but last year I started going to school again.  I'm thinking of a new career possibly.

    My sister, at 24, decided to go to school and is now on her way to a career in Medicine (she's 26 now).  

    I got married at 23 because all my friends were already married, and I was the last one.  That didn't work out, because I didn't really want to get marriend.  Then I didn't think I wanted to get married and have kids, but I met the love of my life 2 years ago, and now I want nothing more.

    Don't compare yourself to others.  Everyone has their own way and their own time.  

    You really are still very young, and there's plenty of time to get into music and art.  So, it's too late to be Britney Spears.  Is that so bad?  Do you really want that life?  Pursue music because you love it, not because you want to be a star.  

    You haven't had time to "do anything" with your life.  Don't settle for anyone just because you "should" get married.  

    Don't worry.

  3. Dont feel old! Your not old lol! One thing that i found that helps me in numerous situations is to have a positive attitude. Trust me, i know its hard but it will help you tremendously and it will bring good and positive things into your life. I hope that everything works out for you, and god bless you :).

  4. It sounds to me that you are taking the things that you do have (as humble that they may be) for granted and it has been my experience when we do that we don't always get what we want and really need until we appreciate what we already have.

    You have an old car but manty of us have no car at all.  You have no children or mate and there are a lot of people who wish they diddn't so that they could have finished their education.

    You have no boyfriend to disract you from your goals and there are many woman who haave boyfriends that put them  through h**l that wish they were in your shoes.

    I don't need to say more, you know the rest just be careful you don't get what you asked for because it might not be as good as what you got..

  5. You're still so young! I'm 28 and I sometimes feel old and like I haven't accomplished anything with my life as well but that's not the case. I say find a way to pursue your interests. Don't consider getting married just because you can't do what you really want to. That's totally not the reason to ever get married. I also went to college in a small town and even though it was a small state college it offered opportunities for art and music. I'm sure your college has to have something for you. Talk to some art and music professors and I'm sure they can help you out. What does your being 21 going on 22 have to do with you being prevented from your art and music due to age? Again, you're still very young and age has nothing to do with it. Don't let something so trivial stop you from pursuing your passions in life.

    As far as friends, college is one of the easiest places to make them if you just put forth an effort. Are there any art or music clubs you can join? Every college has them. Just make an effort to start talking to people. Do you live in a dorm? If so, start talking to your neighbors in the dorm and participating in the social events. When I lived in a dorm there was always some social fun thing going on that all residents were invited to. If not, start talking to your classmates or people in the library. Once you take the first step it gets much easier. Good luck! Dont's give up!  

  6. First of all, don't feel pressured into a relationship, marriage, or children because of your age. In the grand scheme of things, 22 is very young, even in today's age-obsessed society. Most people are waiting until their late 20's to wed that special someone. The last thing you want is to drag your negative feelings about where you are in life to a lasting relationship. Now is the time to concentrate on YOU, and what YOU want....not what anyone expects of you. If you feel like you were meant to be in music and the arts, can you study those in college? Then perhaps it won't feel as though your parents' influence are guiding your education, but rather your own passions. Clear your head by taking some long walks, do some deep breathing (no joke, it helps!) and jot down what you want from life in a notebook...then make it possible. Best of luck to you.  

  7. you sound liek a great person who will find someone to love you and be your everything. like me and many others people need others to push them as well as push back to make them see their is so much to do and reach your potential. i see a bright smart strong person behind the person asking this question. i need a push myself and i could use your help as well as myself offering it to you

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