
I really need help - Please tell me if this will work! I only have 2 weeks to lose 7 pounds (half a stone)!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14 and want to lose 7 pounds in 2 weeks for a big wedding coming up (in Spain).

I'm going to do this:

B/fast - apple & banana

Lunch - Cereal

Dinner - Cereal

and if I get hungry I'm going to drink a very low calorie fizzy drink.

Also I'm going to do 100 sit-ups, 5 lots of 1 minute planks, 1 hour on the trampoline and 100 star-jumps per day.

Basically, I want to lose the little bit of flab around my belly too.

Do you think I can do it? - If not, what do you suggest?

I have already asked this, but I'm just getting adverts and stuff as answers - please give me some advice! Will I pull it off or should I do something else?

Thanks! x




  1. Like I told someone else sit ups build muscle, not lose weight.

    Cereal is full of carbs. Try something like meat by itself.

    Meat like hotdogs, hamburger, ham, turkey are healthy and they don't gain weight, your body uses them as energy.

    Try to drink only water.

  2. 2 pounds a week is the maximum in my point of view otherwise it's either unhealthy or fake (dehydrated). You should eat cereal AND a serving of fruit for your breakfast. For lunch you can eat chicken, shrimp, lean turkey, or other lean protein. For dinner, vegetables are the best. When you feel hungry eat some almond or low calory yogart. What I said is based on my learning and own experience. I lost more than 30 lbs in 5 months. Good luck and be careful!

  3. 7 lbs! Are you serious??? That's like 20 kg! They say you shouldn't lose more than 1 kg a week to be healthy. And besides, why are you getting married at 14? Don't you have to be 16?

    Don't worry about your shape. When the Legion takes over, fat people will be reprieved of stress.

  4. hey,

          i think that you can loose 7 pounds within 2 weeks but you need to do it more sensabily than this. Try mixed salad with chicken or ham for lunch and steamed veg and chicken or pasta for tea. Just drink lots of water, this flushes your system out and helps you loose weight. this diet is still very low fat but also really healty, also you are less likely to get hungry and snack on chocolate or something.

    hope this helps x

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