
I really need help for my alcoholic parent. She drinks everyday, morning or night, doesn't work...

by Guest10771  |  earlier

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She stays home most of the day and drinks. She won't admit she truly has a problem and doesn't try to get help for it. My sister and I are starting school soon and it is very hard to deal with all that while trying to go to school.

We want to send her to rehab because it has gotten that bad , but it would be hard convincing her to go. We never get a chance to sit down and talk about it , she is either drunk or gone, and if she is sober i can't hold on to a conversation long enough.

It is just really nuts , we need all the advice we can get , thank you.




  1. try to have a long and sincere conversation to her if she's not in the influence of alcohol. Tell her to undergo alcohol treatment program in such way she can continue her life without alcohol. It takes time and its better to have patience.

  2. You shouldn't have to live like this. Is there some one you can talk to like grandma and grandpa, aunts,uncle , counselors, teacher, pastor  etc....Any one else you can go and live with.

    There is nothing you can say or do that can make her stop drinking . She has to want to admit that she has a problem and get help.

    Your grandparents or aunts and uncles can have her commited and send her to a rehap hospital.  It want work unless she is ready to give up the alchol. This is some thing she will have to stay strong and fight for the rest of her life ( to stay sober). She has to do it for her self . She has to want to get better.

  3. Talk to the school counseler for help.  Or find a Al-Anon group it is for family and friends of alcoholics they can help- there is usually one in every town.  Their is also Catholic Charities in most towns(its for everyone not catholics) they help with all types of things and will help provide free counseling and/or give you other sources too.  This is also probably considered neglect.  If you are in any danger such as her driving you places drunk or puts you in any danger you need to do something ASAP.

  4. Would you mind writing me in private at

    I have received many thumbs up for advice and I would like to help you off of the message boards.

    All the best!

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