
I really need help gaining my independence!?

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After I got some answers from my last question (which is still open <>here</a>.;_ylt=Av0IJIYE7xTa4ApDPOcQFCh87hR.;_ylv=3?qid=20080819153158AAbYkwq>here</a>.

My mother is very family oriented and over protective. We are a VERY close knit family both of my aunts and cousins live in walking distance of my house and I see them almost every day and we all get together every holiday. Im 17, the youngest in my household under a 20yo brother and a 25yo sister who both enjoy being pampered and babied and enjoying the FREE good life.

Well now that its my senior year in high school I want to make the best of it.

If i go out with friends I have to tell my mom EXACTLY where, my friends number, and she TELLS me a time to be back which really doesnt work when im not the one driving so that drives alot of friends away. Im a high school senior and my curfew is 9 during the summer and school year.

I love being with my family and al but im alot more independent then them...should I rebel now and enjoy my last year here or muzzle myself until I go college?




  1. I&#039;m going to say exactly what&#039;s on my mind right now....Stop being a Mama&#039;s boy.

    Your 17 &amp;  you sound like a very responsible young man, their is no real need for your mom to be that protective of you. I think you need to start standing up for yourself now.  

  2. Trust me any rebellion you do in senior year will look totally lame in 2 years after the fact.  Do exactly what your folks ask, how many seniors are dead because they did rebel got in accidents, kidnapped and permenantly injured because they wanted to be independent?

    Two of girl cousins are dead (both were seniors in high school)one from an auto accident and one from meningitis she contacted from some guy they never met.

  3. wait it out. your &quot;friends&quot; now will probably be a distant memory in 5 yrs or less. no matter what you think now at 17 your family are the ONLY people on earth whole really love you. another year and you&#039;ll have a bit more Independence in college..not to mention another group of &quot;friends&quot;.

  4. Definitely... wait it out...   Your parents are smart and do that for a reason.. and if you start rebelling now, it may put a kink in the tight knit relationship you have now...

    Try reasoning with her, if your a good kid, she should be more then willing to cut you some slack..    But if she doesn&#039;t, deal with it (not trying to sound nasty) your family only wants what&#039;s best for you :)

    Good Luck!

  5. Enjoy this time at home while you can, because once you&#039;re out on your own, there&#039;ll be times you want to go back to that &quot;good&quot; life. I was the child of an overprotective parent, so much so that they convinced me college was a bad idea and getting a full time job and living with them was the way to go. I would tell you that college is the place to start spreading your wings and to prove to your family that you can handle the responsibility of being on your own and staying out of trouble.

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