After I got some answers from my last question (which is still open <>here</a>.;_ylt=Av0IJIYE7xTa4ApDPOcQFCh87hR.;_ylv=3?qid=20080819153158AAbYkwq>here</a>.
My mother is very family oriented and over protective. We are a VERY close knit family both of my aunts and cousins live in walking distance of my house and I see them almost every day and we all get together every holiday. Im 17, the youngest in my household under a 20yo brother and a 25yo sister who both enjoy being pampered and babied and enjoying the FREE good life.
Well now that its my senior year in high school I want to make the best of it.
If i go out with friends I have to tell my mom EXACTLY where, my friends number, and she TELLS me a time to be back which really doesnt work when im not the one driving so that drives alot of friends away. Im a high school senior and my curfew is 9 during the summer and school year.
I love being with my family and al but im alot more independent then them...should I rebel now and enjoy my last year here or muzzle myself until I go college?