
I really need help guys ?

by  |  earlier

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i am not a dumb ***, but lol i don't know how to write a resume please help me, give me ideas tell me how to do advance thanks. i am going to work at a doctors office




  1. Basic information about you and your work experience. If you want I can send you a copy of my resume to show a sample. There are many samples online I believe. Include significant stuff about your studies, like your majors, seminars attended esp.if related to medical work.. Also include special skills that might help bring up your image. Good luck! :)

  2. Include your name and contact information.


      High School - Include your GPA if you know it.  Any classes you may have taken to prepare you for your job.  Any activities

      College - list the same types of information

    Work Experience

      List places you've worked, dates, and type of job responsibilities

    Volunteer Experience

    That's about all you need

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