
I really need help ! im 16! abortion?

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my last period was august the 4th -7th

me and my boyfriend have had s*x on the 14th,21st,26th,27th and 28th

we havnt used any protection except the pull out method

he cumed in me on the 14th and 26th

what are the chances of me being pregnant?

would any syptoms be showing by now because i have sore nipples and wee alot

if so how many weeks pregnant would i be?

and what should i do about it

me and my boyfriend are both 16




  1. Don't panic, yet. Wait until early sept, about the 5, 6th, 7th. If your period hasn't started  yet, then on the 11th buy a prenancy test (urine) and do the test 1st thing in the morning.  My advice, without judgement, is that if you can't support a child now, then don't have s*x, believe me, it's not worth it- worse than being pregnant you may end up with an STD you never get rid of, Herpes, HPV-causes cancer, or HIV. It happens, and not just to homosexuals, or s***s. If he is pushing you to have s*x, and unprotected, omygod, get rid of him now. You'll love yourself more, and life will be less stressful. Watch the movie "Kids", it's from the 1980's and hopefully you'll understand what I'm talking about.

  2. watch secret life of an american teenager

  3. Your chances are pretty high. Didn't anyone teach you the pull out method doesn't work and we have such things called Condoms now? I don't know how many weeks you are, take a test if its positive see a doctor he/she will know. How would we know what you should do about it? Discuss it with a proffessional, you obviously need too.

    You will get a lot of abuse such as "abortion is murder" don't listen to it. Do whats right for you, its your body. Your choice. One abortion doesn't count to use it as a form of Birth Control. Whatever happens, sort it out and use something, this situation is avoidable now-a-days.

    Good luck.

  4. your best bet is to go to the drug store and but a pregnancy test.. you could have always gone and bought the morning after pill or "plan b" ..but you have to be 18 for that so i don't think that applies here unless someone else could have bought it for you (just for future reference)..  anyway you might just have a late period so don't start freaking out yet.. like i said go to the drug store and buy a pregnancy test

  5. 1) Go to a drug store and get a home pregnancy testing kit. Make sure you don't let your parents find it.

    2) If the results are positive go to your local Planned Parenthood clinic to discuss the situation with them. They can help you sort out your options.

    3) You may or may not want to discuss this with your parents, depending on your relationship and how they treat you. Do they treat you respectfully as your own person or are they strict and domineering? Once you spill the beans to them you won't be able to put the genie back in the bottle.

    4) Bear in mind that having a child will impact your life profoundly and irrevocably. It is a HUGE responsibility. You will be giving up all the fun and opportunities most teenagers enjoy. Most guys you meet (or would hope to meet) will have no interest in dating a girl who already has a child.

    5) Don't listen to people trying to coerce you into making a decision based on THEIR agendas and morality. Most women DO NOT regret their decisions to terminate a pregnancy which would negatively impact their lives. You do no favors to yourself or your child by bringing an unwanted child that you are ill-equipped to raise into the world.

  6. wait untill you miss your period and then take a test.


    that is murder. i know that you have heard that a million times but really, you WILL end up regretting it!!

    It is not fair to kill an innocent person, wether they be in the womb or not. think about it!!

  7. i'm not going to preach about safe s*x... although you're making this very hard

    if you are pregnent, get an abortion. you don't want to ruin your life?

    do you like money? well the only way to make good money is to go to university, and you cant go to university with little jr. sitting at home now can you?

    abort! abort!

  8. well it sounds to me honey like since your able to track all of this you should be able to go down to the planned parenthood and find out if you are pregnant. if you are that is a choice you have to make but if you mention the "a" word on here people will flip on you. if you are not pregnant i reccomend some form of birth control to prevent any future scares. when was your last period?

  9. talk to your parents not yahoo answers..... Next time think twice  

  10. Your really need to slowwww down girl you are only 16 and belive me i know how u feel im only 21 and im pregnant with my second child!!!! The life of a mommy and a teen is very hard its not easy and its not all fun!!! make sure you really think about what your doing to your self and your life s*x isnt worth stds and possible pregnancy!!!! you have your whole life for a baby dont rush it i thought the man i love was the right one and would stick by my side we would be married and the whole fairy tale welll boy was i worng i broke up with him when i found out i was pregnant with my 2nd child cuz he was cheating on me!!! I know tell my sister who is 16 and is thinking about s*x now to please use a condom!!!! Iam deffineatly using them now a lil too late but i dont need stds or any more kids and if u are pregnant read in abortions b4 u decide to do it... my friend had an abortion once and it messed up her whole system for a while and she regreted it so much!!! if your not ready for a kid use protection abortion isnt an easy way out  

  11. hi, you are due on tomorrow If your cycle is regular 28 day one! See what happens! If you are pregnant you will only be one month!

  12. stop having unprotected s*x, use a condom every time, get on the pill...the list goes on.  take a test to see if you are pregnant, and if you are tell your parents.  try adoption as an option, there is no reason that you should be using abortion as a form of birth control, it is irresponsible...these questions are painful to read, truly painful.

  13. you need to do either go buy a home pregnancy test-any cheap one will do the job- or go to a doc (even a walk in clinic). there is a huge chance you are pregnant, especially with the symtoms you describe

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