
I really need help... important, life changing?

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i am moving out of home...very long story;_ylt=AnxXs7PanF.__PF17hPd9fDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080803012531AAeLI38

theres the explaination from a question i asked a while ago...


my mother has decided to just TELL me, im not going.

its not her right to do so, as she is the reason i am leaving.

i need to get through my HSC and i cant do it in these conditions.

i need a stable home.

but to enroll in the school i need to get a parent to enroll me.

if i want to cut my fees from $4000 to about $2000 a year and be able to sign permission forms and stuff i need them both to sign a form making the people i'm living with my legal guardians.

i will be paying school fee's out of centrelink youth allowance... $355 a fortnight, which is $200 a fortnight gone. it would be really helpful to get the fee's cut but not absolutely necessary, i just really need to get enrolled and i dont know how it will happen.

the principal said thats what i have to do, but i dont know how.




  1. She's probably just concerned about you- just talk it over with her that that is what you want to do and that you will be happier when you do it

    the fact that you took time to tell her this should let her know that you respect her opinions.

    (sorry if this is a bit hard to understand)

  2. when it comes down to it, your education and personal health (both phyisically and mentally!) and happiness is what is most important.

    approach your councilor with these questions, and let them know that you are serious about wanting to complete your hsc, but you feel that your family is standing in your way, and on this basis you feel it would be better for you to move out and put some distance between you all during this really important time. they should be able to help you, or at least point you in the direction of someone who can.

    you should also be able to get more money from centrelink as a student living outside of home... probably more if they understand your situation concerning paying for your own school fees, so i advise that you either call up or visit the nearest center (probably a better idea to go in person) and explain to them what is going on.

    also, contact the school! not everyone in the world is heartless, and i'm sure that if you talked to someone like the principle or year adviser they will be able to let you know if they can help you in any way, financially or otherwise. have you considered trying out for a scholarship if the school offers any?

    it's great that at least you have a place to stay.. if ever that falls apart, or you feel that you'd prefer to be living alone then i know that you can rent self-contained student-friendly loft apartments in sydney cbd (broadway to be exact) for $90 a week which is SO affordable and conveniently located if you're school is around that area.

    you have so much stress already from school that it's unfair of your parents to be putting you in this sort of situation. whatever happens, you are NOT in the wrong for wanting the things you do, and above all else it is important that you are happy, so don't let them prevent you from getting what you want and living the way that you feel is right for you.

    (i'm listening to your music and you are very talented :) best of luck with everything, i'll listen out for you on triple j, stay safe and hopefully one day i'll be in the front row listening to you perform)

  3. If you can force custody away from your mom by getting her two sign the forms (My mom did this with her brother), you can apply and convince your father and his new wife to sign adoption papers making the two of them your legal guardians papers. The get a job and go to work.

    You should really consider what your doing first. Your 16, and the world seems a lot worse and a lot harder at 16 then it really is. Your body is playing tricks on you. I would say, stick it out, graduate from high school, and go to college...  

  4. okay i know u probably already did something about this but i think you should ask your dad anyways i did something similar with my dad [not this big] he didnt hate me as much as i thought you have my sympathies :[ good luck with everything if yr religious god bless you if not then still god bless you ima pray 4 u

  5. The school is probably correct in needing some legal guardian's permission for enrollment. I would suggest taking this to free legal aid in your area. They are usually young people who haven't forgotten what the law is really about and can be very helpful steering you in the right direction towards enrollment.

  6. Pray to jesus christ and ask for help

    go out side where is quite and pray all the things that's bothering you and god miracle's with help you through your hard time

    Please Try

    Pray For JESUS CHRIST!

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