
I really need help on this one...stressed out and want to die?

by  |  earlier

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i really get stressed out easy and i always get despressed i wanted to die but then when i take a look at death its not all that great i mean being dead forever nothing to see nothing there your gone forever like nothing happened you dont exist! there is no proof that there is an afterlife... and i really hate how life works how people die how you get sick and die slowly and how people kill and rape...... and i used to cutt myself i kind of do i cutt my fingers and my hands... i used to cutt my arms but not anymore. but anyways life is ****** up! whats the reason of living all you do is eat, sleep, work, or something else like a vaction or playing games or watching tv thats not even fun! hanging out with friends i actually hate most of my friends and im trying to avoid them! there stupid and retarded some are just a******s... and wtf i dont want to be around my my family like my cuzin or uncle or aunt why do i have to hang around them why cant they leave me alone? how do you guys spend your days? i mean life is short and nothing to do but to just hang around untill your time is up and your gone(dead)




  1. Suicide is never the answer to the problem ; Infact it just proves that Ur not strong enough , Remember , There is a sunny day after each dark night ; Your life may not be so good now , but then iT IS NOT SO BAD EITHER , Why dont U join some church Or anyother religious place U wish ; it will give U mental peace guaranteed , Which is the most important

    Hope I helped ,

    Can U plz help mine :( Plz , its urgent ))

  2. you need 2 things badly

    1)  a hobby you really enjoy

    2)   and a good psychologist or therapist to help you sort these things out.

    You aren't crazy, but you need someone to talk your ideas over with.

  3. The meaning of life is to know God and make him known.

    Once you do these two things, I know these scary life issues will go away, along with your fear of death.

    I know my life has a purpose, because everything I do, I do not do for man, I do for God, because I love Him very much.

    I do not fear death, because I know when I die I will go to heaven and live in a place where murder and rape don't happen. Just because their is no proof, does not mean it does not exist. What hope do you have left? Nothing.

    I suggest picking up a bible and reading..the book of Psalms, all about the person feeling suicidal and wishing they could join the dead ones.  

  4. Believe it or not, your family and friends will not only miss you if you end your life, but you will hurt them each more deeply than you hurt now.

    If you commit suicide you'll only take you pain, multiply it by 10, and give it to them. I know you're not a mean person, you just talked about all the things that aren't right in this world that p**s you off. That's good!

    Honey, you can do a lot of good if you find a way to take that energy and do something constructive.

    My hobbies: Marveling at the Universe

    "Like it or not: for the moment, the Earth is where we make our stand.

    It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known."

  5. As far as i can fathom , b4 i was alive as i am now ,well ihad to have been dead,and as we can see that was followed by my life. and .I,ll let you in a little secret, mankind only imagines what he knows.Life is still a total mystery ,and just because we describe it with our cypher codes (words) that doesnt make it is amazing ,you are this amazing life,is dowesnt feel like it when we use our experience to make meaning with, but it is cosmic and awesom,ans .life is also a dying process ,as walt whitman said "it is a sad and beautiful world."Shake yourself out of the reality of our describing and beready to be amazed.Best of luck.There is an old sufi saying ,that sais 'die before you die'.

  6. one word, Woosah!

    Life is short, and you want to die because you can't deal with the living? ... Just remind urself how lucky you are to be alive. plenty of people are dying right now who deserve to live. You should appreciate the fact that ur not in a hospital with a terminally painful disease, dying somewhere in the middle east, or from poverty and hunger.

    I'm glad you're not cutting yourself anymore. Don't do it again. Inflicting more pain does not solve anything.

    Your family will always be around, that's why they're called family. Just let them know u need space if they bother u too much.

    it sounds like your bored? why don't you take up a new hobby? or learn a new skill? espress your frustration through painting or writing and let it out. And remind youself that the world is still a beautiful place to live in. It's all in how we choose to view it. So think positive.

    The reason for living? that's up to you to figure out and decide. Each person has their own reason, just don't be selfish and waste your life.

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