
I really need help on this!?

by  |  earlier

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I am 16 and my fiance is 18 he lives in England and is a European Citizen (yes weve known each other for years and were in love and engaged through are parents) The thing is next year we actually wanna have are marriage in the U.S. and my mom wants him to reside in the U.S. so he could take care of me. Now i am only a permanent resident and i am not sure how he may obtain a green card or something that would allow him to stay in the U.S.

The hard thing is my mom has a major learning disability she cant read or write English non the less her own language, and it would take me years to get the citizenship on my own due to her lack of knowledge

Btw are marriage will be signed by parents under the state law of Iowa.




  1. Your first step is to obviously get married and then you need to file Form I-130 with the USCIS but since you are only a permanent resident of the United States and not a citizen, there is a waiting time of about 3-5 years for visa number to become available and current for the spouse of a green card holder.

    It is a sad state of affairs I know, but this is just the way it is. Your fiancee, will not be moving to the U.S. anytime soon.

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