
I really need help with my music assignment

by  |  earlier

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i just got a music assignment and to start it off i need to write an 8 bar melody in any key signature besides c major.

I need to have it in piano form.

Can anyone help me?

thankyahhh =)




  1. Is it just a melody or do you have to write chords too?  Just sit at the piano and doodle around.  If you want to keep the number of sharps or flats down, make it in the key of G or F.  Add chords or harmony if you want.

    Should be fun.

  2. Sure.

    A C D B E G F A C B G E F G C B C  A F G E C B F E G F C E F C G B A

    Convert that to music and you're in.

  3. If you're having trouble with Key Signatures (i.e. writing a melody outside of C Major), go here:

    It contains charts on the Major and Minor Keys, how many accidentals it contains etc etc...

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