
I really need help with studying Spanish for my Final?

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I'm in Spanish One and if I fail the final tomorrow, I'll fail the class. I REALLY NEED good studying tips to get me through this. I know there are alot of these, but I want the best, most specific way to study. Thank you.




  1. Wow good luck. Spanish like any other language can not be learned over night. I suggest you go over the verbs and tenses.

  2. When i study for spanish i like to write out the vocab  A LOT! it helps.

  3. if you need to learn Spanish the best way is to speak it  as much as you can, thats how i learned . and when you are studying don't let anything distract you, like the TV or the computer.

  4. I know how you feel. :) I just took my Spanish final today, Spanish 1 too. If your teacher gave you study or review material either for the final or earlier in the year, I would recommend you to study that. Also, when taking the test, because there should be some listening passages, listen for the main words in the questions and the answer choices. For reading questions, also look for main ideas and words that you know. I'm a perfectionist, so I would definitely suggest checking your work and NEVER leave a question blank. And for studying, remember main points and VERBS!

  5. Tienes que estudiar bastante esta noche y levantarte temprano para comer un buen desayuno. Mucha suerte en el examen

  6. i know. iknow...its that time of season again....

    i would:

    1) read the textbook one more time.

    2) make a few flashcards on the words u don't know.

    3) ask a parent/sibling/friend 2 help u study.

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