
I really need help with this ?

by Guest63960  |  earlier

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okay i liked this guy a lil bit but i didn't tell anyone then a week later my friend told me she liked him so i didn't care since i only liked him a lil bit but then at the dance me and him danced together for the last hour and i started liking him alot , then at the end of the dance he asked me out but i told him this " well obviously i like you but my friend likes you to and i just can't do that to her" and he told me okay i see just call me if you change your mind... but i like him and i would love to be with him but i dnt want to lose my friend btu then my friend likes flirting with ppl and once she doesn't like them anymore she plays with there emotions or pushes them away

and well the other day she was like i'm goin to start pushing _____ away, when i asked why she didn't say anything

but today she was keep on messing with him then she got all pissed off afterwords..... i think she knows i like him......i want to tell her but i dnt know how.....and he doesn't like her as anything more then a friend ... bt she might ask him out on tuesday because some guy is encouraging her to...and ____ doesn't know wat to do if she were to ask him out....


how do i tell her?

how to i make it all work out to i keep my friend and get to be with ____?


what does he do if she were to ask him out?




  1. When she asks him out I find the word "no" is always a good one to use in his situation. I suggest trying it out. Practice if he wants in front of the mirror. As for your problem see if she still likes him if she doesn't then ask him out. She'll probably be mad at first but seriously why should she: she doesn't like him anymore and they're still friends. Why would she not want you and him to be happy?

  2. Tell her that you honestly like him and that he likes you and that the both of you want to be together and see what can happen. If she really is a true friend then she will say ok, she may not like it but she will allow her friend, you, the chance to be happy. Plus remind her that she flirts with many many other guys and that there's plenty of others that she can choose from and you only want this one guy. Now, if that plan sounds totally retarded then tell the guy to tell her No when she asks him out, tell your friend that you like him too and that if he says no to her when she asks him out then you're going to ask him out after. Pure and simple. fair is fair, you gave her, her chance and it didnt happen. Now, it's your turn.

    A side note, the fact that the guy doesn't know what to do if he gets asked out by your friend is a bit strange. I mean if he really actually likes you then he should say No to every girl that asks him out until either you 2 hook up or he stops liking you. Maybe you should think about this a little more carefully because maybe he likes you and your friend too.  

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