
I really need help with this??

by  |  earlier

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ok so my dad drinks a lot and my family and i would really like him to stop. he stopped before, during lent, and it was like he was a different person so we know he could stop and he even says he'll stop. sometimes he has a little too much and he goes over board and has fits and yells a lot. but how long does it take to really realize that your just drinking to much.




  1. contact a help group on how to live with an alcoholic.

  2. He needs motivation to stop drinking, and it's a good sign that honoring Lent motivated him.

    I would say whenever you see he's about to start drinking (you have to do this before he has the first, after that it won't work), jump in with an alternative - maybe a board game, wanting to take a walk or drive, help with homework, a craft project, etc. Something that will divert his attention from having a drink to something that will occupy his mind and be constructive.

    Left to his own devices, expect things to only get worse - alcohol use tends to only go in one direction - downhill.

  3. intervention

  4. i know how your feeling because both my parents were alcoholics and i feel you need advice from someone who's been through that situation and truly understands you! unfortunately there's nothing you can do to make them stop drinking it has to be up to them to stop my mum died due to alcoholism in march this year and I'm only 16 years old. currently my dad is in hospital with 2 legs missing due to smoking and alcohol. he's just recently had a stroke but before he went into hospital in july he was drinking 2 liters of vodka a day due to the death of my mum but before she died they were drinking 1 liter each a day! your dad reminds me of my dad allot but no1 can help him without him wanting to help himself. he may have already realized he has a problem but you have to wait for him to say i need help before you can do anything. but just remember not everyone wants to stop my mum is an example of that

    but i hope everything goes well for you and your dad xx

  5. Find real reson for his drinking & try to solve it or else give him lots of love &careing from ur family.Iam sure he will soon stop drinking.May god help him & give way to ur family to succeed in this .T.C

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