
I really need help woth this! plz?

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iam 7 wk pregnant with my second child and iam consantly feeling sick with morning sickness but i have a 19 monh old daughter aswell and iam finding it really hard to get up with my daughter in the morning, i had morning sickness when i was pregnant with my daughter but not this bad please help me!




  1. You should ask your doctor, they prefer to avoid medication but there is something they can give you in severe cases.

      I've had terrible morning sickness all the way through my current pregnancy and I also have an almost-3-year-old, so i'v struggled a bit too. To start with, i'd advise keeping a food diary so you can learn which foods trigger your sickness, then you know what to avoid. I'd also recommend keeping a pack of plain biscuits by your bed -  ginger preferably, but i don't like them and found digestive biscuits a huge help. Stay away from anything spicy, acidic (like fruit juices) or overly sweet and drink plenty of fluids. Peppermint tea helps too.

    Good luck.

  2. if your symptoms are bad enough your doctor might give you phenagrin

  3. Try to get up slowly in the mornings, don't rush .When I had morning sickness I didn't eat first thing in the morning but I did have a cup of ginger tea[sip slowly] I also ate pieces of glace ginger and peppermints throughout the day.When my stomach settled then I ate just small amounts of food. Toast is always good with nothing to greasy or rich, like jam or vegemite.Try to rest and take it easy you have a toddler and you are pregnant - no one cares if you stay in your PJ's all day and look a bit c**p.Other than being ill this is probobly the only time in your life where you can get away with it and no one would dare say anything. P.S. it will get better.

  4. ....The best thing I'm suggesting u to concern to a doctor. Some times some typical disorders occurred in women body during pregnancy.It is not ovious that it will happen all time during pregnancy, but some deficiency of calcium, sodium or other minerals cause the problem. Im not 100% sure bt it is occurring due to deficiency of minerals. concern over doctor.  

  5. hiya, i completely understand where your coming from ! i am just over 17 weeks pregnant and i have had morning sickness from 5 weeks. Its awful, ive tried everything but nothing seems to help. My advice would just to be keep your fluid intake high, and do try and eat when you feel like it. Good luck and congrats ! xx

  6. I thought it was hard enough with my 2 1/2 year old and I've only had tiredness so I really feel for you!

    Try to eat just plain foods, avoid sauces and greasy food, and eat biscuits or crackers often. Don't let yourself get hungry or you'll feel worse, so eat little and often instead of big meals. Also, try to keep your fluids up or you'll get really de-hydrated. Sipping water really slowly has helped me the few times I have felt nauseous.

  7. Nothing really helps, I felt awful for the first 7 MONTHS and most of the day not only mornings :(

    I remember that I bought a YOGA book for beginners and pregnant women and there are some routines which really help and are very easy to complete. If you can control your breathing a lot of your feelings will be improved.

    Try some DVDs or go on or

    I hope this helps you, take care.

  8. it sucks sorry ...I found a biscuit and cup of tea helped in the morning before I got out of bed ginger tea is best ...but nothing much helped all day ..hopfully it will pass soon...

  9. Hi, i'm 28 weeks pregnant, i had morning really really bad for soo long!!!!!!!! It's HORRIBLE!!!!! I started to take Pregnacare Plus OMEGA-3 and it helped sooooo much!! It has your RDA of folic acid as well as OMEGA-3, i haven't felt sick since taking it, so i highly recommend it. It is quite expensive, Superdrug have it for £12.99 but at the moment it's buy one get one free, it is worth the price tho hunny. I hope i've helped x

  10. this will subside with time. sorry but you got to put up with it.

    get your caring partner to get up with the little one till you start to feel better.

  11. i'm not to sure what your question is but you should try saltine crackers and ginger el. Try telling your doctor and see what he says for it

  12. I am 17 weeks and had really vile morning sickness right at the start- what worked for me was having a little biscuit or slice of bread very first thing, before I even got out of bed- i would just put it by the bed the night before and wake up a little bit earlier to eat it. The other thing that helped me was sucking on an ice cube (strange I know!). I put these in one of those thermal cups next to the bed at night so I had one for before I got up in the morning. I know it is hard when you have another little one to look after too! I hope this helps x  

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