
I really need some adivice on how to collect wages that I am not getting paid?

by Guest65296  |  earlier

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long story short.

My employer owes me, come this friday, 6 pay checks. Totalling 13,266 gross. He also owes me 2800 in expenses. I've contacted 2 attorney's in my area that are not intrested in my case because there isn't enough money involved for the attorney. I never know when I'm going to get a paycheck, I always have to beg for it on friday and he usually keeps me till 7 or 8 at night to get a check. I'm paying late fees on my bills and always just behind the 8 ball because I never know when I'm getting paid. I'm management and on a salary and I'm suppose to be getting paid every week. As you can imagine I can't afford any kind of legal battle on my own, since my savings have been used to keep me afloat. I really need the money that is owed to me. I also have 2 weeks of paid vacation that I have opted to get paid for instead of taking ( because if I take a vacation the misery and h**l I get during my vacation, my cell rings constantly, and upon my return are just to much to bear) and I have notified in writing my desire to be paid for it, and that hasn't happend yet either. He also owes me a paycheck for the first week I worked that, the one that they hold and that I'm suppose to recieve when I quite. I haven't quite yet, and I'm desperate. Can someone please tell me how I can get this money and how long its going to take?




  1. Yes, file a wage claim with your state labor board.  That will be the most effective.

  2. I would do as little work as possible for the next few weeks. When he notices your doing s*d all, and tackles you about it, remind him you're not a charity and you have a right to expect to be paid for work done.

    Do you have a contract of work terms and conditions? He might be in breach of the law. A contract is a contract after all.

    Tried turning your cell OFF when on holiday?

    Don't quit, you'll get nothing.

    You could try some large friends who might "persuade" him to pay you (get cash, a check can be stopped).

    Finally, don't forget to charge the b*****d interest (in whatever form you think is appropriate.. Paint stripper on the car is a nice one). THEN quit.

  3. You need to contact your local labor standards board or the state attorney general's office.  You are owed your pay checks on time.

    The vacation issue may be different.  State rules are different, some states allow vacation payouts if the employee requests it, some only if both agree, some do not allow payouts at all.  You are certainly in your rights (and for the sake of your sanity you should) to turn OFF your cell during your vacation time.

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