
I really need some advice! Please help me....?

by  |  earlier

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Well this guy and i were dating, and i really, really liked him.

I may have even been in love, b/c i always got that fluttery feeling in my tummy when i was near him. i told my bff about this, she said i think you really love him. so then we break up, b/c him and my bff are always flirting and I'm kinda sick of it. then we got back together b/c they weren't flirting. and THEN he dumped me a few weeks later.

and i found out he dumped me to be with my bff, who he kissed 3 times the day before! it made me mad, sad, confused, but mostly hurt. i always knew she liked him but she never admitted it. when he was at her house (they were 'friends) she TOOK HIS PANTS! like, literally. he was running around in his boxers. and they told me and laughed. ughh. and i still really like him. a lot. and whenever i see them giggling and talking together (even tho they're not going out) it makes my heart ache. and it kinda sucks b/c i see them everyday.

i want to stay friends with him because i kno he wants to be friends with me, but how can it work if i still like him. it might be awkward.

Please help me! Advice??

It would mean a lot if you had something helpful to Say.

Thank You.




  1. don't know if this is helpful or not....I think some people have some growing up to do!

  2. hi (It's a love/hate thing. ♥), I'm really sorry to hear about that, it sounds really bad to me.

    anyway so I'm gonna tell u about something: u might really like him or even fell in love with him, but he doesnt seem like loving u back or even likes u back the same way as u do, cuz he didnt respect u or ur feelings for him and ur bf as well, if they really respect u or ur feelings then they wouldnt do all of that in front of u, that wont be a gd behavior from ur best friend and the guy u were dating.

    and believe me if u continue with this u will get really hurt from inside, people hearts is not a game and its what they dont understand.

    I know that u want still to be a friend with them, so I guess u can still be friends but try to slow down and not stay much with them, whenever they both together, u dont deserve to be treated like this and be in the middle of all this

    so from the way I see it thats the best way to deal with it, just try to relax and move on ur life and believe me u will find the right guy for u soon or later cuz u cant stay like this till the end of ur life u have to move on, gd guys r everywhere and u seem like a very nice girl and u deserve the best

    and one day u will find the right guy for u, the on ethat likes u and love u for all what u r and ready to do whatever to make u feel happy and spend the whole life with u, cuz simply u deserve it

    so just relax and smile  :) , all will be fine I hope

    life is too short to be sad or even feel bad about anything, u still have a long life to live so enjuoy ur life and u will meet the best for u

    and I wish u the best from all my heart and hope all ur dreams will comne true and ur life will be full of happiness and joyful moments

    take care and if u needed anyhelp or anything feel free to contact me at anytime

    Best of luck :)

  3. oo this is a toughie. but what i would do is act flirty around other guys to make him jealous.. but also be really flirty around him. maybe show some cleavage and thong just to make him want you back. but if you just want to be friends and not get back together with him then talk to him and tell him whats makes you feel uncomfortable and stuff.  

    try to make friends with your bff and your ex and maybe all three of you can hang out but talk to them so that it doesnt make you uncomfortable when you are around the two of them.  

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