
I really need some advice asap on homeschooling or online classes.?

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Hello im a 16 year old an looking for information on home schooling for springfield illinois or to take online classes my mother an I bring in a very little money an are limited on what to do with my schooling options,School starts tommarow an i really need some advice from others i will reward best answer to whom i see has the best information, thanks.




  1. Here is a good place to start for homeschooling information. there are several free homeschooling options including K12 and Connections Academy.

    Best of Luck!


  2. I go through american school of correspondence. I love it! And as to the money, they let you make small payments every month, I think my friend pays about 50 dollars a month. If you pay in full you get a discount, but paying in payments is a great option! Hope this helps, it's a really good program. It's actually located in Lansing, IL.  

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