
I really need some advice...i am 7 days late for my perod and I have took some pregnancy tests...all negative!

by  |  earlier

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The last one i took was 2 days ago and it was negative....i am still late and the only symptoms i have is a white discharge!!

What is happening? I am trying not to worry about it in case that is what is up with my periods but its pretty hard.

What do you think is going on and how long should i wait before i do yet another test?? (I have already done 3!!)

Any advice will be gratefully received!

Thanks x




  1. go to your docs if you have not com on within the next few days they will be able to give you a better idea of what is wrong or if you are indeed pregnant.

    good luck :)

  2. Save your money and stop taking so many pregnancy tests! You probably just miscalculated your ovulation date.  Are you regular? How regular are you? Stress, sleep issues, exercise, and dietary changes can all effect your cycle as well.

  3. you should just go to your dr. those hpt dont always say positive when you are, my friend had three false neg then she went to the dr and got a blood test and she was preg. even if you arent pregnant there maybe something wrong with you that you need to catch soon. good luck

  4. I would go to the dr and and tell them whats going on and see if they could do some blood test and see if you are pregnet or you could be off i would not worry that much about it if you are off just be pashont or if you are really worried about it you should ask a DR

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