
I really need some advice.. i dont know what to do...someone help..

by  |  earlier

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ok i am in a L*****n relationship and it hasnt been all great we have on and off problems..she is 21 and i am 39..i also have a child who is 9... she and my child have also their good and bad moments.. they argue about little stuff and i am caught in the middle when she is wrong i let her know and so i do the same with my son.. today my son and her had an aguement i was in the bedroom and they both were in the livingroom.. they been fighting over the cable tv because my son sets it up to record a program but sometimes he does more than one at a time..i have told them both they need to compromise on and be considerate to one another because both want to record.. well last nite my child set the tv up to record something for today.. well she deleted his recording they both argue i was in my room then my son comes in and tell me what she had done to the recording.. well he didnt tell me he kicked her on her butt... he actually did kick her where it hurts.. she has been having pain on her butt and i understood her anger.. but i also dont agree my child was right for doing that.. i did yell at my kid for disrespecting her and kicking her.. i dont know what to do anymore.. it seems there is no respect in my relationship and now i feel my child has crossed the line and i dont know what to do or what punishment should i give him.. i dont believe in spanking or physical abuse.. but how do i get him to understand it was wrong and he cant do that again...? what do i do.. i am desperate... please some one help....




  1. you need to show leadership , you cant let him use violence ,

    i would spank his butt ... people try to call spankings child abuse , they are crazy ,

    you have to show the child you are the boss , you are physically mentally and emotionally superior to a 9 year old , you need to start showing it ,

    i got spanked and even worse a few times and now i am a responsible grown up

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