
I really need some advice.. :( ?

by  |  earlier

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My life has hit a BIG bump in the road. Im so stressed, and sad. Im trying not to cry as i type this.. but see my dad is really sick. Hes fighting 3 diseases right now, none are fatel, but there still bad. One of them is chrones disease.. He is really skinny, and losing weight fast. Hes only about 140-150 pounds im not sure. i weigh 110.. im really scared. All the medicine he takes to help cure it, he has bad reactions. Hes too skinny to have surgery.. and because of that disease he cannot treat the other 2. He doesnt eat much, and sleeps alot. i really need some advice on how to get through this. My mom doesnt tell me much about it.

Im scared i might not have a daddy to walk me down the isle at my wedding.. im young.

please help me? :'(




  1. I'm truly sorry that you are going through this i now from personal experience how hard it is to see someone you love suffer and know that you cant do anything i recently lost my grandmother to a hard battle of cancer i spoke to her doctors to see if their was any way i could help and he recommend a support group for family members to share their experiences i think that might help you I'm sure his doctors can direct you to the right support maybe your mom would be willing to go with you never know she might be having a hard time too just not letting on good luck katt

  2. chons diease if not fatal. he just has to make sure he takes his meds and watches what he eats. i don't know what other problems he has that has you so scared but you can email me to talk about them if you like.

  3. the best advice i can give you is to think positive. dont be thinking his life is at an end. try and bring him up and not down even lower than he is...offer to do things around the house that he might need help with.... it will help him feel a little better! well good luck...

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