
I really need some advice?

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Ok, My friend who ive known for like 5 years doesnt respect anything I like or the music I listen to. But the question is specifically about the music part. I listen to rock/alternativ/heavy stuff and he listens to the mainstream chart and dance stuff. Whenever he comes round im too scared to put my music on because its not "normal" music and he always pulls as face and starts insulting it. Yet, when he puts his on, I dont say anything....I say to myself, everytime hes going to come round, I will definetly put some music on, but I never do..Am I Ashamed? - What should I do?




  1. You can tell who's leading who around by the curlies here,  if you like it,  play it;  who the f word cares what other people do or don't like about you.  If your friend complains about your music,  express your liking of it..      if it goes any further youve discovered a flawed friend and might need to find someone with a more common of interests.

  2. ok dude, this guy just wants to you to be like him and wants you to listen to his stuff . Its jealousy. Just say to him, that his music is ****, never change what type of music you listen to for your friends. Because music says a lot about who you are. Be proud of your music, I love trance and techno, and my best mate loves Emo/Screamo/Hardcore, We both pay each other out.

  3. By no means should you be ashamed. Its your music for a reason.

    I listen to a very diverse selection of music.

    If he doesn't like it, its his opinion and hes entitled to it.

    You shouldn't be scared to put your music on, Make him deal with it, Or compromise with him.

    As far as respecting music, a friend of mine just simply says "Ok" when people insult his music choice. I guess the best thing here. Is just not let it bother you. If he really gets aggressive or mad, about your music. Then lose the friend, because friends can compromise, or deal with it atleast. From what you said you can deal with his music. So theres my advice. Hope it helps a little

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