
I really need some help with my 5yr old?

by  |  earlier

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☼ Hi everyone.

I have a 5yr old daughter, Ruby. She is a gorgeous girl, but something has occured to me, and recently has really been worrying me.

She is a very angry child.

She has nothing to be angry about, we have a perfectly normal life!

At home she will often lash out at her younger brother and tell Kain he is a "stupid baby" and try and really hurt him over stupid things. E.g. Today he was very sick, i was giving him a fair bit of attention so i decided to really try and equal it out, because i knew if i didn't, it would set her anger dial off. He was sitting in his little couch and i was playing "snap" the card game with her. He vomited on his couch so i asked her to just wait while mummy cleaned it up. [it was the first time it had happened in the day too.] I grabbed Kain and then went to run the bath with him in my arms. When i had come back from bathing and putting him to bed to clean up the vomit, she had absolutely destroyed the loungeroom & my bedroom. She had turned everything upside down. I was furious and she then ran into his room, grabbed him by the arm and almost threw him out of his own bed.

This does not occur often, but that was today's large problem.

I sometimes get calls from school telling me she has been hitting or verbally getting very agitated at other children and sometimes teachers.

What should i be doing?

She has a healthy diet &gets plenty of sleep if that makes a difference.




  1. she really needs councilling,it will take a 3rd party to deal with this,see your family doctor for further advice

  2. Firstly, your daughter is suffering from sibling rivalry. That does not mean that she can hit her brother or anyone else. Smacking her yourself will only reinforce the fact that it is okay to pick on people who are smaller than you. Diet and sleep do make a big difference. My little boy has anger problems as well and I have finally worked it out to food intolerance's. He can not have any preservatives or colours. Same with my neighbours little boy. Do discuss these problems with your doctor as what she is doing is not normal and begin to read the labels on your food. All those numbers actually mean something and most of it is not nice.

  3. wow.  I'm sorry this is happening with your daughter.  Have you taken her to the doctors about her anger problems?

    My cousin was the same way.  She would always pick on her little brother and my aunt was ALWAYS getting calls from the school because my cousin would NEVER sit in class and listen to the teacher and would get violent.  My aunt took her to the doctors and now my cousin is on medication that makes her calm.  The doctors had to lower the dose though because she use to be a zombie when taking the medicine.  

    When she doesnt take her medicine you can def. tell.  She's back to being the mean little girl.

  4. She had  a safe nest with Mum and Dad THATs  GONE this baby squatter is to her like a burglar wouldbe to you  

  5. I think you really need to get some professional help, take her to a doctor and get them to give you a referral to somebody that can help her, whether she needs to see somebody more than a doctor they will decide but you really need to do something. Good luck.

  6. I'd spank her, I don't give a whoot if she's jealous no child should turn stuff upside down!

  7. she's just trying to adjust to having to share attention from you, try and find alone time with her or bonding activities with all of you. Give her positive reinforcement and next time you have to run out to clean up the other child bring her with you and let her participate by giving you a wipe or towel.  As for violence outside of the home she most likely needs to see a pediatrician it could just be ADHD or something similar, only the would really be able to tell you what is best for her. best of luck!!!!!

  8. That doesn't sound good at all...I don't know how young they diagnose Borderline Personality Disorder definitely need some professional help before it gets out of control for good. It will only get worse if nothing is done right now. That kind of anger at such a young age is not normal. She is supposed to be a happy child, this is supposed to be the best years of her life.

  9. you might consider taking her to a therapist. people say that therapy is weird but i might really help your child.

  10. Just as any teenager would do, I think she's trying to get some attention, not saying in a bad way. Maybe she feels you give more attention to her younger brother than her, and she feels that you love him more.  Just sit down and talk with her. Be patient because it seems like she doesn't really like to talk about her problems but lash out in anger. Sit down with her and ask her what's wrong.  She probably has a problem but doesn't know how to tell you. Hope i helped! =)

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