
I really need some opinions on this...what should I study? Where should I go?

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Alright. For the longest time, I've been interested in East Asian culture, in particular Chinese and Japanese culture. I would really like to study either mandarin or Japanese (I can't study both right now), and possibly spend a semester abroad in either China or Japan. But I don't know which route to choose. Consider this, I am a computer science major and a physics minor, and I plan on going into the field of robotics. Also, consider the fact that there is a lot of hype about China's economy growing at a fast pace. Plus, mandarin is the most widely spoken language in the world. With these three points, which should I choose (I honestly would be happy with either, I just want to choose the wisest route)? Any thoughts, ideas, or tips on deciding? Thanks.




  1. Japanese are still the leading producers of electronics items related to robotics.

    You must understand one thing that chinese economy grows due to ample production by cheap labour. However, the brain behind all the goods manufactured there is still Japanese.

    In any factory in china, the head is still a Japanese who designs all the products.

    So my suggestion would be to go for Japanese

  2. If you go the Mandarin route you are hostage to political events in China. I'd go for Japanese.

    Good luck.

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