
I really need some serious help?

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What do you do when your fiance's ex won't give up? She keeps pressuring him to get back together. He doesn't even answer her so now she goes after me. Last night she slashed my tires and wrote s**t on my car. I didn't see it until I looked out the window this morning. I told my fiance who told me to just stop already and massage his shoulders/feet because he had to hurry up. After I did all my chores I went into town to the grocery store and I saw my picture posted on the door and all over the store! It said Beware w***e! I started to tear the signs down but it was too late because everyone was looking at me. My fiances ex went to the loudspeaker and said my name and that I was a w***e and a s**t. Why does she do this to me? So I ran out to my car crying and drove home. On the way I called my fiance but I didn't get a chace to say anything I just cried into the phone. Then he came screeching into the driveway and I told him what happened and he started screaming at me saying that I was making up stories and to go back to the store and get grocerys. I told him that I didn't want to because what if she was there and he said that I need to grow up and just do the chores that he asks and if I don't that he won't be around later.

How do I get this woman to leave me alone? Why won't she just get over it that he is mine and not hers anymore?

Please help!




  1. It sounds to me like you have more than your fiance's ex to worry about.  Your fiance is not treating you right.  If he really loved you, he would be more concerned about you and your feelings.  He would want her to stop and he would believe you.  You should seriously reconsider before you get married.  He seems to have a lack of respect for you.  Also, since when do you do "chores" for a fiance?  He isn't even your husband yet and he's already telling you what to do!? Be VERY careful! She's the one behaving badly and he treats you badly instead.  He obviously thinks of you as inferior.  Could it be that things aren't over with the ex? Could they be having an affair but he won't leave you so she goes after you now?

    About the ex, you should go to the police.  Damage to your property and your reputation is crossing the line.  Go to the police before it gets worse. And if you can, find a Church and talk to a pastor.  GOD can help you more than anyone else can!

  2. restraining order much! charge her for harassment and slander.

  3. I seriously think that you need therapy.....PEOPLE she's looking for attention and keeps switching her story everyday...just look at her other questions  

  4. You should have kept one of the signs and called the cops.  Save your answering machine recordings if she leaves any.  Write down the time and date of freaky stuff that she pulls.  Carry a camera with you.

    Be careful.  This woman is extremely angry and out of control.  

    I would start by calling the cops and explaining to them what is happening.  

  5. hey all you answering do you realize this is the cheater and ex wife (whom is actually still married to her "boyfriend" thats living in her MOMS house )hates her guts????  theres a reason for all this : )  you make your bed........

    plus its reposted and im beiginng to really wonder if this chick is for real anyway...

  6. sounds to me like he needs to tell her to get lost..since he told you"do the chores that he asks and if I don't that he won't be around later" I'd say he doesn't believe his ex is as mean as your saying she is..Maybe you need to tell him to get lost!

  7. are you serious

  8. You are with this guy why?  He sounds more like your father.  As for her I would file a harassment against her.  And I would leave his ***.  They are just what each other needs.  Find someone else.


  9. Are you sure you want him?

    He sounds like a real prize (sarcasm intended)

  10. Hi!

    I hope this isn't a joke but I will answer it anyways. If he says that he won't be around later then that probably means he is cheating on you with his ex wife or girlfriend whatever and the fact that she is calling you a s**t/w***e then wow that is low just leave before you get sent to jail!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. 1.  Press charges

    2.  Leave this man, his circumstances are full of drama

    3.  He is not yours

  12. I think you are writing a very twisted, sappy novel....

  13. first of all make sure he is really done with her . tell him to take actions or you will leave instead of seeing your name getting dirty because of him . get the police involved if need to but really that is a lot , she actually said that in the store ? and they let her ?

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