
I really need some women to take this interview for my class!?

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I really need some women to take this interview for my class!...if you dont mind please include your age.

1. Do you think that feminism has affected the way men treat women? How?

2. As a woman do you ever feel degraded by the media? How do you think the media has affected the way women are viewed as mothers and wives?

3. The beauty myth is the modern conception of women’s beauty. In our culture most people, men and women, believe a woman must be thin, tall, and big breasted to be beautiful. How have you been affected by the beauty myth throughout your life?

4. How do you think that being a transgender woman from childhood would affect that persons actions and feelings? What are your thoughts on transgender children?

5. Have you experienced any type of sexism from a doctor or the medical system in any way?

6. Do you consider yourself to be a feminist? Why or why not?

7. If you had the option, would you choose to change the role of women to the way it was before the feminist movements or do you like the role of women the way it is today? Why?

8. Do you feel that it is essential to have a women’s studies course available for both men and women on college campuses? Why or why not?




  1. Age 18.

    1. Yes, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. Feminism has caused some men to resent women and others to treat women like equals, instead of like delicate flowers (a plus in my eyes).

    2. Not personally. I'm secure in who I am.

    3. It's made me more nervous about eating chocolate, but that's about it.

    4. That's a question you'd have to ask someone who has been there. Anyone else would be unable to give you an honest answer.

    5. Sexism, no; ageism, yes (when my doctor told me my chances of getting a tubal ligation before the age of 30 were pretty much zero).

    6. Yes. Why shouldn't I call myself as I see myself?

    7. The role of women today is limitless. Why should that be altered?

    8. I do think it's important to consider the female perspective in history, but I don't think it merits a whole other department. A few courses or a minor, maybe, but that's it.

  2. age 16

    1. a little bit. long way to go though, we're still being objectified.

    2. objectified. womens' actions/appearance undergo a lot more scrutiny than men do. (like if a guy acted the same way Paris H did, it wouldnt get as much attention. and ppl hate Miley/Lilo but no one hates male stars. stuff like that. women should be allowed to do the same things men do and not be judged.

    you know the double standard, promiscuous men can still be respected, but a promiscuous woman is frowned upon by society. or, there's no gender-equivalent of "b*tch", etc.)

    3. i want to be tall. not because it's attractive, more because i'd get more respect as a female.

    4. what? i've heard that there are many men who undergo surgery, and once they're women, they realize how privileged they were to have been born men.

    5. no.

    6. yes. i'm not nearly as "devout" as other feminists, but i hold feminist values. unfortunately ppl dont completely understand feminism (me included) and the word has negative connotations.

    7. i like the way it is today. we have a long way to go, but were going in the right direction, i just hope that double standards dont develop, the way they did with the black rights movement.

    8. gender-blind study is better. like, not putting emphasis on s*x.

    women should be as secure with themselves as men are, but because we're evaluated more closely and judged more readily than men, it's very difficult to maintain a respectable rep. it's like, women are only worth what men see in them. evidence: Cosmo mag. i hate that.

    also, i'm opposed to affirmative action

  3. Age 15

    1. Yes, I think it has earned women more respect and independance in the eyes of men.

    2. Yes, I think the media puts too much emphasis on permiscuous celebreties, making normal people feel like they have to act or look more like them.

    3. I feel a lot of pressure to stay thin and i'm scared of gaining weight later on in life. I also feel embarressed that i have a small chest sometimes.

    4. I believe that if you are born a man, you will always be a man and if you are born a woman, you will always be a woman, not matter what you do or try to do. I think its wrong to change who you are.

    5. No, I have not.

    6. No. I think that most feminists are sexists themselves, against men.

    7. I like the role of women today, but i've never experienced life before the feminist movements, so i don't think i can answer that question.

    8. I think they are informitive , but not essential.

  4. Age: 19

    1. Yes, I think that feminism, and specifically the movement in the 70's, forced them [men] to finally view us as people, as a people who want and deserve basic human rights, and it became clear that we would no longer sit silently and let them tread on us and use us. I think it scared them, and caused them to become more forceful to "keep us in our place".

    2. Oh, yes! Just watch a movie trailer, or a TV advertisement, and you'll notice that when they show a man they show him doing something (usually saving one of us helpless women) and they'll show his whole body...his entire image. On the other hand, when they show a woman it's legs, butt, b***s, etc. We're pieces of meat, to the point we can be broken down into "cuts" to be shown...and they only show the Grade A (Hormone Treated) meat. (google the protest of beauty pageants in the 70's...and you'll find some great posters/signs).

    3. Absolutely! Even though I'd love to think I'd managed to stay out of the whole struggle to have the perfect body, smile, waist, laugh, etc. I'd be lying. It's the reason I wake up and put make up on in the morning, the reason I wear a bra ( of them), the reason I go to the gym and exercise, etc. If you are a woman in Western culture, your a victim of the media's model.

    4.  Ha! What a good question, and I'm soo glad to see someone finally asking a question about gender! I was born a transsexual, and I'm finally taking the steps to become a female ( srs etc.) I've been living as a woman for the last few years full time. Being born a transsexual I have always identified as a woman (although I did not come out until a few years ago) so my views are the same now as they have always been (in regards to gender that is; my politics, likes and dislikes etc. have changed like any other person's). I am a woman now, and have always been a woman.

    What views should anyone have on transgender children? We are people who happened to be born with the wrong chemical (hormone) and organ, and some choose to take steps to correct this physical condition (like I am/have) and other choose to handle the situation differently. (I'm going to stop here, b/c I could go on for hours ;) so if you want more info or to chat about this feel free to email me etc.)

    5. Oh my God, yes! When I went to start my hair removal sessions I was kind of made fun of (they joked in front of me about which gender to check on the forms). Since living full time, and being able to pass regularly (meaning not outed as the male I "used to be"), I've noticed that doctors have a tendency to treat me like a helpless child. When I was a "man" they would just look me over quick, give me a prescription, then send me on my way. Now, it seems like the have a need to "save me" if you will. I get this feeling of "over caring" from them.

    6. Yes. I never used to be, I always thought of myself as a very conservative woman in that sense. Not until actually seeing the horror of "male privilege" from the other side did I change my views; and thats one thing I can't guilt for ever having used that "male privilege", loosing that was the greatest feeling I have ever experienced. Of course it makes life a little more difficult, but you value your accomplishments a lot more; you value life and it's quirks, not take them for granted.

    7. No I wouldn't choose to revert to the old ways, but I wouldn't say I am happy with the situation today either. I think we've made quite a bit of progress, but there is still a lot more that needs adjustment ie. Wage adjustment, media representation, job opportunities, etc.

    8. Yes, absolutely. If you don't have them available in the first place nobody benefits. Then if you do have them, why exclude men? If we want them to work with us towards gaining equal rights, they need to be educated about the issues important to us. If we keep them uninformed nothing will change.

  5. 31 years old.

    1. I think it has because men are ruled now and most women control them, the men turn in to jelly in th palms of women's hands. portrays women as s*x symbols and it hasn't affected me any,but it has affected wives can't live up to a fictitious life they portray on tv. it puts a strain on house wives and mothers.

    3.not much at all, too me beauty is what is on the inside, though i am guilty about my weight obsession,i dont obsess to much though like most women.just look at the increase in eating disorders and breast implants and elective plastic surgery.most women have gotten caught up it what is being said about what is beauty. I don't fall for it. I learned to ignore it.

    4.i would not know since i am not one, but my point of view it is a physiological issue you are born a woman for a reason and shouldn't try to change it. it is all in their heads to feel that way., I believe women should be at home taking care of their families they way god intended them too,no working to afford the life style of buying over priced useless junk.

    7.I would make it where women shouldn't work a job. it cost more money to hire a baby sitter and to commute to work then it would to take care of your own kids.women should be taking care of the house  hold and the children while the men work. women spend more time paying out money for care givers for their children then it would cost to stay home.,what benefit would men have learning women studies? none what so ever.

  6. brittany--15

    1. no i dont think it as affected the way men treat women because men still treat women like c**p.

    2.yea i do feel degreaded by the media sometimes because they show stupid commercials where its the women cleaning or cooking, or watching the kid, uhm hello, guys can do that too. and they show the guys fixing stuff and playing sports, uhm yea, women can do all those things too.

    3.i'm not really affected by it, but my friends are, like one of my friends thinks that she is really fat and ugly and shes rlly not.

    my other friend thinks that she is the sh*t because she has kinda big b***s. trust me, shes not the sh*t, most guys find her massivly annoying. and i know a girl that was dying of anorexia becasue she thought she was fat, she wasnt fat at all.

    4.i think that people would probably give them c**p about it.

    i dont find anything wrong with it, but other people probably would.

    5.from what i can remember, i havent experienced anything like that.

    6.yes i do, because

    -i hate it when guys call women stupid names like s**y and say stupid sh*t.

    -i hate guys say the only place a women belongs is the kitchen and bedroom, that makes me soo mad

    -i hate how guys dont think we should have women president because she might blow up the world when shes pms-ing, ew guys can be such jerks.

    -i hate when guys like grab me inapropriatly, its so degrading

    -i hate when guys ask me for some sort of pic, such as topless, or jsut bra or w/e

    -i do not like how in alot of tv shows, they have the mothers be stay at home moms or have them as part time workers, i mean, come on, its the 21st century, women r lawers, doctors, surgens, like seriously.

    my list of why im feminist goes on, but ill stop now.

    7. i dont really like the role of women today because it could get better but its A LOT better then before the femanist movements, atleast now, we can work and vote and what not.

    8. i think that everyone should be able to learn what they want, so why not?

  7. 28 Danyale :-)

    1.Do you think that feminism has affected the way men treat women? How?

    Yes I think it actually helped alot of men realize that women arent the only ones that have to cook and clean.  Alot more men are getting into aspects of taking care of a home and helping out.

    2.As a woman do you ever feel degraded by the media? How do you think the media has affected the way women are viewed as mothers and wives?

    Not really, I dont think anything really changed in the media about mothers and wives?  

    3.The beauty myth is the modern conception of women’s beauty. In our culture most people, men and women, believe a woman must be thin, tall, and big breasted to be beautiful. How have you been affected by the beauty myth throughout your life?

    I am tall, thin, and big breasted but that doesnt really mean anything.  I dont think the myth really effects, go outside look at all the couples.  You always see people who dont "match"  even though guys may prefer those qualities doesnt mean that he gets them and they are just as happy.  

    4.How do you think that being a transgender woman from childhood would affect that persons actions and feelings? What are your thoughts on transgender children?

    I would have no clue how to answer that one.

    5.Have you experienced any type of sexism from a doctor or the medical system in any way?

    Yes once, I went to a counsler, he was a bit weird and was telling me other patients information and how he makes people cry to show off.  He was also dating his 26 secretary and he was in his 50s.  I never went back.

    6.Do you consider yourself to be a feminist? Why or why not?

    In some ways but mostly not.  I am independant and I belive that a man should help a female out with house cleaning :-)

    7.If you had the option, would you choose to change the role of women to the way it was before the feminist movements or do you like the role of women the way it is today? Why?

    Its fine with me today, but there is still some work that needs to be done in the business aspect. Men are still making a bit more money but the women are slowly moving up and more and more are owning companies.

    8.Do you feel that it is essential to have a women’s studies course available for both men and women on college campuses? Why or why not?

    Yes, I think men need a lesson on women that way there are not soo puzzled.

  8. I'm 20.

    1. Do you think that feminism has affected the way men treat women? How?

    Yes, because now it's an easy cop out for men to say that we are just feminists when we have an opinion about something or want to be treated equally.  Men have gotten too cocky.  Not all, but some.

    2. As a woman do you ever feel degraded by the media? How do you think the media has affected the way women are viewed as mothers and wives?

    ALL THE TIME.  We're supposed to be little s*x kittens and perfect bimbos with no emotion.  It's horrible.  Men expect us to be just like them, with b***s.  Not fair - we're much more emotional.

    3. The beauty myth is the modern conception of women’s beauty. In our culture most people, men and women, believe a woman must be thin, tall, and big breasted to be beautiful. How have you been affected by the beauty myth throughout your life?

    I used to be in the standard.  Not gorgeous, but I got plenty of attention.  I got pregnant and gained a lot of weight - it's really affected  my life A LOT.  I can't get away with as much, people don't respect me as much or pay attention to me or seem to even want to be around me nearly as much.  I never noticed it before.  It's not fun being on the other end of it.

    4. How do you think that being a transgender woman from childhood would affect that persons actions and feelings? What are your thoughts on transgender children?

    I think that the parents usually fix that when the child is born, but I don't know any transgendered people, so that's not my place to say anything.

    5. Have you experienced any type of sexism from a doctor or the medical system in any way?

    Yes, my family doctor smacks my butt all the time walking out of his office.  And talks to me like I'm stupid.  (To my mom and sister too.  Not my dad though!)  Needless to say, I'm finding a new doctor.

    6. Do you consider yourself to be a feminist? Why or why not?

    Not really.  I'm all for equality, but I also see that there's things that are woman's work and men's work.  We each have our own roles for a reason.

    7. If you had the option, would you choose to change the role of women to the way it was before the feminist movements or do you like the role of women the way it is today? Why?

    I like how it is.  We're more on the same level as men, but we still are women.  I take care of the cooking and laundry, etc. and my fiancee does all the guy stuff.  That seems to be the norm - and I like it that way.

    8. Do you feel that it is essential to have a women’s studies course available for both men and women on college campuses? Why or why not?

    Yes - everyone can learn!

  9. Age: 20

    1. I do think it has- for both better and worse.  Some men may feel unsure of how to treat a woman (esp. on dates) but on the whole, most men seem to be coping very well.  (I haven't been treated badly)

    2. I answered this Q in a different post- it's a bit too long to re-write it here, so have a look at what I put in there.

    3. Ooh! Beauty! It certainly does affect us!  And some more than others.  Although growing up, I though my mother had the perfect feminine body (a bit short, very curvy- exactly my body type now, in fact).  I don't think I have enough time to go into all of the problems associated with the beauty myth- most of us know them, anyway.

    4. I don't really know what you mean by this Q- are you talking about people who have gotten s*x change ops?  Or that identify with a different gender than the one to which they were born?

    5. Nope.  Never.  Although being not a doctor myself, I have been talked down to (I really hate that) but I don't think that its a gender thing, just that I haven't studied what they have, and they must assume that its best to speak simply, as the majority of patients wouldn't have a clue what they are talking about otherwise.

    6. Yes and No.  Yes- in the way that I support equal rights.  No- in that it really has some negative connotations these days, and being that I already have equal rights, I see no need to be in everyone's face about it.

    7. I like MY role.  I wouldn't seek to change anything, except perhaps contain some of the anti-male stuff- because I don't agree with it.  I have no problem with men.

    8.  Maybe not simply Womens Studies, but Gender Studies, in which BOTH genders are covered.  Men need to have some light shed on the problems facing them, too.

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