
I really need someones help, as many answers as possible please???

by  |  earlier

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ok i just want to know, should i still feel uncomfy with this and if not how can i get over it? (we've been together 1 year 4 months)

my bf slept around a lot at school with a few girls i can put images, personalities, voices etc to and the worst part being 2 bullied me along with their 2 other friends who he hung around with and one other girl i just knew and hated as a person cos she was always on about how she liked this guy (at one point mine (but i didn't recognized that until like 3 months ago)) she then slept with them a few times and then dumped and slated them.

(he's not in contact with them anymore)

on a few occasions in like shouting argument (for like 4 months and about 3 months ago) he has said stupid things like oh well maybe me and .... would be a better match then after ive said like well maybe you should be with someone else then, (cos he always moaned he missed things (sexual (oral) wise) but he always named the same girl.

i dont know why i have such a problem with this, maybe its cos they bullied me or what? i dont know what else could it be? he said i was jealous but im really not i despise all of them i dont want this to bother me any more spesh seening as its stopped.


cheers :)




  1. Personally, I would be offended if my boyf was telling me he missed sexual/oral/things from his ex-girlfriend, especially all the same girl.

    I would probably break it off.

    Cause to me that is blatant disrespect.

    Who does he think he is?  

  2. Well, I think that you just need to put it behind you. He is wrong for saying the things that he does, in the heat of the arguments. But, maybe when you are not arguing you should sit down and talk to him about it. Tell him that it hurts your feelings and if he cares then he will not do it anymore. If you really care about him just try and work it out. Otherwise if it bothers you that he has been with these girls maybe you should consider moving on and finding someone who hasn't slept around with people that you know and despise.  

  3. Dont think of it again (:

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