
I really need to find a guy.PLEASE HELP!!!!!Why am I CRYING about this situation!??

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I was at Pikes Market in Seattle, where they throw the fish.I saw the most stunning beautiful guy I have ever seen, or will ever see.He had light skin and black hair.He looked ALOT like David Archuleta.He also had HUGE ears!But he also looked young, maybe 12 to 14 yrs old.I really wanted to say something but he walked away fast, because he was in a hurry.I saw him in Late July, but can't stop thinking of him!I drew a picture of what I remember him looking like, so should I scan it and make a video on Youtube so other people can help me find him?Or should I make a myspace devoted to finding him?

I have been losing sleep and crying about this!What should I do?

Please give me ANY ideas you can think of!

ps: I dont live in Seattle and I have NO idea if he does.Thanks!




  1. Hire a private detective

  2. You're in love with a 12-14 year old guy?  Well if so then you're probably too young to be on here.

    You're CRYING about this guy?  Geezus.  Stop obsessing over some stranger.  Just because he looked like David Archuleta doesn't mean he can sing and he's probably a jerk.  You're far too young to be this emotional over a guy and you're setting yourself up for a lifetime of emotional disaster and most likely, abuse, if this is how crazy you're going to get over boys.

    How is having "HUGE ears" "stunningly beautiful"?

    PS: if I was David Archuleta and read your profile I would be VERY afraid.  How can you be "madly in love" with someone you freaking saw on American Idol?  It's easy to put someone you don't know on a pedestal because all you see is the image he portrays on TV.  In reality he's probably a total *** and may even be homosexual. So get over it and focus on a nice, sweet attainable boy at your school.

  3. This is like a sad love story. Are you sure you want to go to such lengths for this gorgeous stranger? Please don't cry and good luck if you pursue this.

  4. Ya right,he caught the ferry and went home to Orcas.

  5. Move on and try to forget about it.  You don't know him so he might he might be a jerk!

  6. forget this guy

    DAVID ARCHULETTA (the dude on your pic) is the best

  7. how old are you? 10 ?

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