
I really need to find a way to lose some weight fairly quick.. nothing drastic but just some needed advice!?

by  |  earlier

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im not looking to starve, but looking to lose about 10-20 pounds fairly quickly but so it can stay off for good!

can you offer some exercise ideas to stick to (like gym classes etc.) and things i should and should'nt avoid...

help pleaaaase! :)




  1. It will take time, rapid weight loss is not healthy and you are not only loosing fat. 1-2 pounds a week is the most you should loose for it to be health.

    Count Calories, when you actually add up what you eat in a day it can surprise you. If you want to loose weight you should be eating 1800- 2000 calories a day.  You should also be exercising for at least and hour every other day (running, swimming, lifting weights).  Try cross-fit.

  2. try pillates, or excersize using stomach muscles because thats where tummy fat is and do it 60 minutes a day!

  3. Honestly, the best way to lose weight is to eat a healthy and mixed diet and to exercise regularly.

    Create an easy exercise regime you can stick to at home, for example ten minutes of jogging on the spot, ten minutes of skipping and some star jumps. Also, you could look into joining some classes such as yoga, dance, aerobics or pilate's. You could also start swimming as it's a really great way to exercise all your muscles and it's fun too! A great tip is to start using the stairs and not the lift when you're out and about, also try to walk whenever possible and use less public transport and cars when the distance is realistically walkable.

    If you crave something sweet allow yourself ONE cheat day a week in which you could have some junk food but avoid it every other day in the week and try not to snack either. Just have three sensible meals a day and drink lots of water.

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