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Which finger does an engagement ring go on?

Which finger does a wedding ring go on?




  1. left hand, ring finger for both

  2. I think everyone has already answered.  I do wanted to add that during the ceremony, you can put your e-ring on your right finger and then have the wedding band placed on your left finger.  After the ceremony, you can move your e-ring to be with the band.

  3. They both go on the ring finger (the one between the middle finger and pinky) on the left hand. Hope I could help! :)

    Nikki1462 ♥

  4. Left hand, ring finger for both.

  5. Both left hand.  The wedding ring will eventually go above the engagement ring, closer to the heart. :)

  6. They both go on your ring finger on your left hand, the wedding band goes on first so it's closer to your heart.

  7. Engagement goes on your left ring finger (the one beside your pinky) When you get married the wedding ring goes on the same finger but it goes on the inside (closest to the heart) and the engagement will go on the outside.

  8. They both go on the left hand ring finger.  During the ceremony you maid of honor holds you engagement ring then it goes back on after you receive your wedding ring over top of the wedding ring.

  9. "Ok so engagement ring goes on left hand firsts and then after you get married you put the wedding ring on the same finger?"

    That is correct :)

  10. Engagement ring goes on the ring finger(the one in between middle finger and pinky) on the left hand.

    The Wedding ring goes on the ring finger on the left hand as well.
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