
I really need to make at least $400 in at least a month !!!!!!!!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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imm 13 and i cant babysitt, get a job, or cut grass beacause i have a really hectic sceduale so i really need to make the money what do i doo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. ask ur parents if theres any chours you can do were they will pay you and ask your neighbors if theres anything you can do around there house

  2. You are only 13, so you can't get a full-time job; you say that your schedule is "really hectic" and you don't have time for a job, anyway. I also have a hunch that asking your parents for the money is not open to discussion..... Well then, there are really only two sets of options open to you:

    Sell your computer, your gaming console (if you have one), your cell phone (again, if you have one) and anything else you might have which "just happens" to be a "high-tech gizmo".

    That, or dump a huge chunk of your "hectic schedule" so you will have time for a paying job of some kind.

    If you think things are rough on you now, just wait until you're 18...when you'll likely have to shift for yourself!

    Yeah, it blows -- but nobody ever said that life would never blow.

  3. You need time to make money.  If you can't make time to babysit, the only other option is to sell stuff that you own.

  4. Well if you can't find the time to work to make any money, then I guess you won't be making any money. Life is tough in that way, isn't it? Everybody wants a free handout.  

  5. Would that be a hectic social schedule? Or would it involve more study time and extracurricular activities? If it's "social", then you have to free up  time there. As for the 400$, what would that be for? Something really necessary for NOW, or something that could wait a bit? Take a breather. Even for people with jobs it's not easy saving 400$ in a month. Talk to your parents, see what they might suggest.

  6. baby sit, dog sit, offer to walk dogs, garage sale, mow lawns, sell lemonade, clean houses,clean garages,pull weeds,ebay, a dishwasher at a restaurant(some do hire), paper route,wash inside and clean outside of cars, some fast food places hire, make crafts and sell them house to house.

    There are many opportunities, just find something you like to do and go from there. Im 14 and I started trying to make money a few months ago. I like to excercise, so I decided to mow lawns for neighbors(its not neccessarily something that I liKe to do though) But I do like to sell things, and I often do garage sales. Just find something you like and work hard at it, if you work hard you will do well BTW i just made 220 dollars at a garage sale with my brother, and I now have around 1,600 dollars. Good Luck!

  7. Here is my brand new blog with some ideas on money making. Bookmark it because i'm going to be adding on more!

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