
I really need your advice?

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I think i am in love with my best friend. I have known her 4 almost a year now, we were in the same p.e class and when i am with her i am always happy and all that goody c**p but yea idk wat should i do, go with my feelings and take the risk of ruining my friendship wit her, or should i just leave it alone




  1. It would depend on your age, I think.  If you are at the stage in life where you are ready to get serious and get married, settle down, then I would tell her how you feel.

    If you aren't at this stage, I would continue to be her friend for now until you are at that stage.

    Personally, I think its incredibly sweet and I wish you the BEST of Luck!

    God Bless!

  2. defietly take the risk! if u dont you'll just end up thinking of what could have been, even if she dosnt feel the same way, if shes a good and true friend, she will still be there.


    best of luckk

  3. Go on

    Wish you Good Luck

  4. see if she feels the same way, me and my friend did that, (we went out) and we broke up, but we're still friends

  5. i think you should try because if you don't then you will never know if she liked you back. yall would still be friends even she dont like you like that

  6. ahh this reminds me of being a teenager, the good ol' days. I was best friends with this guy and in love with him but too afraid to admit it. So now I sit here wondering once in awhile of what might of been. It's better to find out then wonder years down the road. And I'm sure since you are best buds it won't ruin your friendship.  

  7. Keep it safe and don't do anything until you leave high-school  

  8. chances are, if you feel it, she does too. go for it. :) and if it doesn't you've known eachother for 4 yrs! im sure the friendshiop will prevail!

  9. If you dont let her know how you feel then youll always wonder what might have been, just let her know ahead of time what you want to tell her you dont want to affect your friendship and that it was just something thats been in your heart and mind for a while now, talk to her like your best friend that is what she is, and wemon arent like men in that sense, If she feels the same then all the better, but I would bring it up, It will just keep bothering you inside if you dont

  10. Take the risk if she is really your friend she'll be friends with you no matter what and who knows she might feel the same way you do

                 Good Luck hope it all works out :)

  11. Rrobably will get in the way of your friendship but if you are truly intrested find out before she might feel totally different.

  12. You should hook up with her! You are young you'll find another best friend!

  13. take the risk you only live once. If she likes you for more than a friend then great! If not she will still be your friend. I bet she is nice

  14. Take the risk and see what happens. If y'all have been good friends for that long and you know almost everything about her. You should tell her about how you feel and see what she says and hopefully she will feel the same way and y'all could be more than friends!

  15. I say do it.  Its rare that a female is best friends with a male without romantic intent.  Unless she is g*y.  I think you should put down more info, is she single?  Does she touch you a lot?  Does she flirt with you?  Call you first when she finds out news?  Have you caught her looking at you?  

  16. friendship is valuable and sometimes making a relationship with a close friend and trying to spark a flame can ruin the friendship. i know. It happened with my ex. friendship is golden!!!

  17. I think that u should take tht risk. Life is about taking chances. u never know what could happen. She may not like you anymore but then u have to think positive. she may feel the same way about u tht u feel about her. u have to take a risk and if it doesnt work out then u have to build the friendship again. u should also try to find out if she likes u before u ask her. try gettin a friend to go ask if she likes u. but dont bug her about it either. write a note and see what she thinks of u. and if u do ask her and she rejects u, then DONT BUG HER about it. trust me i hate it when guys do that. U ask her once and thts all. if she says no and u think tht yalls friendship is not the same write her a note telling her about it and im sure she will understand. but take my advice life is all about taking chances. ask her. she might just love u back.

    Hope I helped! :]]

  18. Be slow about it and ask her how she feels about you. It will be weird for her if she doesn't see you that way but she'll probably try. So be slow and considerate about it and if she doesn't feel the same, do your best to drop it. Because the friendship will only be ruined by awkwardness and if you don't show it you'll be fine with her as she starts to feel comfortable with you again.

  19. Try to ask her out, but take it slow. Start out bringing her somewhere as (just friends), then eventually start making it more of a couple thing.

  20. risk it .. u dont want to wonder in the future  

  21. If you discretely ask her out as a friendly offer to the cinema then you can have a good time with her and if she enjoys the day out with you then ask her by text if she is free a couple of days after then if she says yes then go and get a pizza and stuff and go to somewhere nice like a walk round the park or if you live near the sea then go to the beach. If you definately realise after 2-3 weeks that she has really enjoyed the days out then tell her how you feel. She will understand if she is a true friend.

    Hope all goes well and good luck.  

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