
I really need your help and/or opinions?

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Is there a disorder associated with someone who desires absolutely no physical touch and/or intimacy in a relationship? Like maybe s*x as a means for having a child, but no desire for kissing, making out, etc?

Is it possible to be in a loving relationship without these components? Is something wrong with the individual psychologically?

Note: Individual was molested, but has been in therapy...still has no desire, the barriers are seemingly "too strong" to be broken.




  1. It sounds like the person you are describing is the victim of sexual abuse that they have not yet healed from.  I would not think that the victim has a disorder, but a wounded broken heart and spirit.  The heart and spirit can be healed with God's help.  There are many wonderful churches that offer love, support and help for the broken hearted.  Please try to find one in your area soon.  My child was molested at an early age and thru much prayer and support he healed but will always have a scar.  God has given him the gift of discernment and put hope in his heart.  God loves you too:)  I will keep you in my prayers.  Please learn to love you can love another.  It can be done if the desire is strong.

  2. asexual?

  3. You've explained it with your "note."  Yes, there is something wrong with that person "psychologically" -- he/she is damaged and healing will take some time.  Are you willing to be patient?  Change is possible, even likely, but it will take a lot of time.  Are you up for the challenge?  If not, move on now.

    I recommend a group like "Celebrate Recovery" to help with the spiritual healing.  Many people there have come out of abuse to enjoy loving, healthy relationships.

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