
I really really HATE going to school, I dont know what to do..

by Guest21143  |  earlier

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I'm a sophomore at a public high school and I have to say I HATE it.

Now going back, 6th grade I have to say was by far the best year, I never had any problems with going to school (unlike my sister in that grade now) I didn't really have any friends starting or anything but I was happy to go everyday. 7th grade was different and I cant really remember why.. but my parents decided to take me out and put me in an online school. I did BAD at that. No one ever helped me with any of it, not that they were SUPPOSED to, but I do better with guidance and what not. I failed the whole grade because I never did the work so my parents sent me back in 8th grade. It wasn't that bad I actually really enjoyed it and made some great friends. After 8th I went on to 9th grade and REALLY started not liking it, the whole high school thing was just too much I always felt sick and was WAY nervous all the time about everything. Even just sitting in class thinking about how the other students thought of me. It all freaked me out. My parents decided to try the online school one more time but the same thing happened again. I later regreted not staying at the public school because I was on my way to making friends but since I left that all just faded. So I'm back now at the public school and I pretty much ruined my high school years because of the online school in 9th grade. I failed almost everything again.. But now that im back I just really hate it. I wish SO much that I was home again doing it online. I REALLY want to be good at doing it online and if I had someone there telling me I would be! I know thats dumb because Im supposed to be able to do that myslef but I cant. When im in school I know I have to get something in or I get in trouble with the teachers but I cant stand this! I hate that I always freak out about what the other kids think of me. I hate walking down the hall at school alone. I hate worrying if my friend is going to wait for me at lunch. I didn't eat lunch on friday because my friend didnt wait for me and I was afraid to go get my lunch and her leave. I cant do this! I REALLY want to do good though, I want to go to college and get a good job but I cant do this! I ALWAYS feel so sick in the morning before school because I get myself so worked up.

I just dont know what to do but go. One of my best friends is doing the online school this year and I am SO beyond jealous. I REALLY miss doing it, being home, and just not having to deal with this. Its weird too because im fine around people other places. Like the mall or something. But not school.

I had to do a presentation about me the other day and I was shaking and could barely talk it was so embarassing! I just HATE IT.

I feel like crying almost every morning because I dont want to go.

Im not trying to act like a baby or anything I just REALLY dont want to go.




  1. How about if you talk to your parents to try online schooling again and even get a tutor to help you with that?

    Maybe changing your high school environment can help you. Switch to a different high school, a small one. You can start new again.

    But you should really find someone to talk to about your school issues like a good friend, your sister, or a guidance counselor.

  2. either you have to start to enjoy it and get used to all the people, or you should talk to your parents about like a tutor or something

  3. Going to school is extremely important - especially high school!  As an adult you will give anything to go back to school.  If you hate going to school now, then just wait until you have a career!  Being out in the "real world" is truly 10 times harder than school.

    Best thing to do would be to finish high school and then decide whether or not you'd like to continue your education by going to college or trade school.  If not, then fine... you'll be out in the business world.

    Don't be fooled by "online school diplomas" - many are NOT accepted by colleges and even by some employers.

  4. I hated grade school but loved high school. I learned a great deal in high school and was very active in things I enjoyed doing - the glee club and the literary magazine in particular.

    And when I got to college I found that I was very well prepared indeed.

  5. Take it easy, its not all that bad. Each year of high school gets better and better, as you get more privilidges and basically run the school when your a 12th grader.

  6. You really need to speak to the guidance counselor and let her know how you feel.  You sound like to me that you may have performance anxiety and you may have some learning disabilities which prevented you from being successful at home with the online program.  The guidance counselor can help you with both.  Don't think that learning disabilities mean that you are not smart, it just means that brain processes information differently.  Once you get the right help you will be surprised by how much your opinion on school changes.  Good Luck!

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