
I really really neeed your help. Ghosts?

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Hi I'm seeking answers from people who know a lot about ghosts or have had similar experiences. Lately, a lot of weird things have been happening to me. I'm quite used to seing those shadows in the corner of your eye or hearing weird noises but these "happenings" have increased and become more startling. Have you ever heard someone say your name in your head but you don't think about your name or anything? Like you just randomly hear it and get creeped out. That happens to me alot now. More so than usual. Also, I feel like I'm being watched a lot of the time and I sometimes suddenly get cold when thinking about ghosts or the supernatural. Also I have cats. And they have been acting very freaky lately. My youngest cat is only about a year old and she has been chasing things, staring at things for long periods of time and my other cats have done similar "staring contests" with nothing.




  1. once you get the idea in your head that you are experiencing something supernatural, its hard to get it out.

    Cats stare and chase things, sometimes things like particles of dust or beams of light. They aren't that bright and tend to have short attention spans and do crazy things.

    I believe your experience has built up in your imagination so much that you are freaking out about nothing. Fear makes us thing people are watching us, and can even manifest by choking us, or making us freeze up. Have you ever been so scared, or seen someone so scared that they can't breath?

    What happened is called a panic attack.

    What you have to realize is that when people die they do not hang out with the living.

    If you are a Christian, read Job 7:9-10 "So he goes down to his grave, and does not return. He will never return to his house again."

    Of course if you believe in the Bible, then it is possible you are being attacked by demons, however, no demon would physically attack someone unprovoked as it is thier goal to be sneaky and deceptive. Attacking someone would give away thier presence. The book of Acts will tell you all about how demons act.

  2. You have to learn to meditate and fast. You must surround yourself with a healing white protective light and let these things know that gods love is protecting you and so they can not harm you. You m ust believe in this force and shield to be all powerful. ANd do not put yourself in such a compromising postion again. If you know that you are dealing with these things why would you put yourself in a dark room looking for spirits????? Stop playing with fire>

  3. I know ghosts exist but I also know that people seem to freak themselves out a lot. I am not sure if this is what you are doing but just reading your experience it seems to me that you are easily spooked and have a vivid imagination.

    One thing you said is you feel cold spots when you are thinking about ghosts. My experience is the cold spots appear along with other evidence of ghosts way before i start thinking about ghosts.

    You may be having a real paranormal experience but I would suggest you calm down and stop psyching yourself out and really investigate these experiences to see if they are real

    the experiences and feeling you mentioned can just as easily be experienced in a fake Halloween haunted house even to the point you actually believe someone is choking you.


  4. Sugar cane, oak trees, wombats, dogs, and giant pandas all belong to the category of beings for which there is known evidence.

    The tooth fairy, Father Christmas, ghosts, vampires, fairies, evil spirits, poltergeists, and hobgoblins all belong to a category of fictional beings invented for the delight of children and some adults. There is no evidence for the existence of any of the items in this category.

  5. I would check out Will County Ghost Hunters Society. They have a web site that you can check out. I think they go to many places in Ill. From what I have read they seem to have   experience with things of this nature.

  6. Experimenting with the paranormal/unexplained is a dangerous business for you to be approaching without the help of trained professionals. The group known as EPIC has teams of scientists and researchers available on the east coast. I do not know their phone or e-mail location however. While some may question the existence of ghosts or spirits, most are willing to accept that we may be sharing the same space with others on a different plane/dimension. A friend of mine is a professor of physics at a renowned university in upstate New York. He is working with a government sub-group to monitor electrostatic occurances and other unexplained phenomena. Early theories and tests seem to point more and more to some type of inter-dimensional overlap(?). His group is stationed in places where orbs of light and transparent images suddenly happen with regularity. Although he could not go into great detail, he did mention that a conclusive report will be submitted to the public in the next few months. I feel that they will be proving the existence of parallel universes. I know it sounds a bit far-fetched, but remember, black holes were unheard of twenty years ago, but they seem to be real enough today for researchers to observe them around the clock all over the world. The same skepticism greeted those pursuing the origins of gravity and other physics-related phenomena.

  7. You seem to be practically hysterical.  I encourage you to speak with a responsible and intelligent adult about your problems.  It will give you some perspective and snap you out of this self-perpetuating fantasy you appear to be living in.

  8. what you are describing is poltergeists. Ghosts dont have the power to do all the thing you describe. Get in touch with a local investigative group and have them check out your place. I personally dont believe in burning sage, or tobacco. But its not what I believe its what you believe will help you. You can find a group through "yahoo groups and", Good luck and ya never know, it might just be all in your mind. Or you may find help in dealing with your problems.

  9. I would suggest seeing a psychologist, who can best help you understand what is going on here.

    All the mumbo jumbo you are getting about poltergeist, etc. is a bunch of baloney.    I can't believe some of the things that people are telling you.  Don't listen to the whack jobs.

    Common, and be sensible.   If you really want some help, do what I have suggested.

  10. It all depends on if you decided to give LSD to the 6 graders in the park like your last question.

    You seem to be awfully interested in questions that would stir up controversy and might want to go into the religion section and get the atheists going. That may be more fun that this.

  11. The first thing you need to do is turn back and paddle back to shore.  You're in way over your head at this point.

    Seeing shadows and hearing voices is one thing, but trying to provoke responses from the other side without a trained scientist and/or spiritualist there with you is just irresponsible.  

    Use Yahoo to find a Paranormal Investigations group in your area.  Regardless of your religion, get a spiritual leader involved to try to help undo what has taken place.

    Good luck.

  12. Keep it real.

    Meditate, because it helps you concentrate on your body, and mind, and is practice for not reacting.

    You will learn to let these experiences pass.

    Don't go looking into the unknown expecting something scary, you just provoke your own fear.

    We are all here in the world, and the mundane things we do are really important, ghosts are not important in doing these things. Work, play, focus, and look into yourself, not the outside, don't run towards the darkness! without finding your own reality, the outside world will provoke things within you

  13. You need to stop messing with things you have no business messing with. Unless you like these weird and scary things happening to you. You're just asking for trouble. Quit calling up spirits. You need to get back to your normal life and ignore these things that are happening. Maybe if you ignore them, they will go away. I could understand your fear if these things just "happened"...but you've been trying to get them to happen and you need to stop. You might be in for more than you bargained for . Or are you wanting to be on a Taps tv show? I seriously doubt that will happen...and you might be left to deal with all this on your own.

    EDIT..Dave S....if I did that, I'm sorry. Just trying to get some questions over here. They might be telling the truth...and I thought ya'll could give them better advice.

    EDIT...THIS IS WHAT OCCAM'S RAZOR MEANS (in case you don't know)

    This is often paraphrased as "All things being equal, the simplest solution tends to be the right one." In other words, when multiple competing theories are equal in other respects, the principle recommends selecting the theory that introduces the fewest assumptions and postulates the fewest entities. It is in this sense that Occam's razor is usually understood.

  14. The only thing that can protect you from ghosts is to come to the realization that they do not exist.  An explanation for all that you have experienced is possible and it doesn't involve having dead people choke you.

    Apply Occam's Razor and get on with your life.

  15. ok dont freak out the best thing to do is to relax and dont let your mind play tricks on you. Now I've had these "shadows" out of the conor of my eyes its nothing to worry about you just look at something wrong. I've also experience the name thing to but it is in you mind you you moved something that sounded like it said you name. I've done that numurus times, no biggy. Being watched feeling can be caused by high EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) readings. Do you live in an old house or have faluty wiring? That can cause the feeling of being watched. Cats are Cats they do wierd things no matter what maybe they were chasing a bug or maybe even a rodent in your home. The white faces happen in your eyes by staring or just glancing at sometihng bright and you look away and you see something that my look like a face and as soon as you blink it goes away. Totaly normal, nothing to worry about.

  16. Well, I gave you a few suggestions last night. I got them from my guardian angels who are also my spirit guides. Call in the light to banish the darkness. And stop trying to communicate with it, that's what I meant when I said in my other answer that it was bad news to mess with this stuff. Because you said that you tried talking to it BEFORE it tried to choke you.

    Find a paranormal investigations, or seek out a spiritualist church. Find a medium in your area who cleans houses. You need to get it out. But bringing in the light will protect you. But DO NOT use a crucifix like you see on TV if that's not part of your religion or you'll anger it. Pray. Smudge your house (look up "smudge ceremony" and go to ebay for white sage smudge sticks, I personally use white sage and sweetgrass--the sage chases out the bad, the sweetgrass brings in the good), but the smudging is only temporary. IF it doesn't want to leave, once the smoke clears, it'll be back.

    The things I told you to do WILL work. Bring in the light and then call someone to come and clean your house. I'd start with a local paranormal investigations unit, I'm willing to bet they can lead you to someone who cleans houses.

  17. Some one said earlier stop playing with fire THEY ARE RIGHT!!!! You are doing witch craft and you need to stop it bringing more of the evil and negitive.

  18. yep,i was there with the person asking this question and we didn't do anything at all to anger the spirit,a washboard fell on us

    and when we turned on the lights it was all the way across the room.and we felt weird sudden breezes and everything was closed space,there was no windows or anything.and we have seen white figures alot. Sophie(asker of this question) had recorded noises with her cellphone and we were talking and then when we looked back at the recording we heard a gentle voice go hi and thats weird cause we had written 1 minute before that,on a chalkboard,"is anyone here?" and another recording captured a deep voice that sounded like i need help or we need help so we're still judging if there's just one ghost or multiple ghosts.And to add on what sophie said about things looking like they were moving away or closer,was that everything began to look like a fun house like a house of mirrors and it seemed like there was a weird force/aura standing right in front of us. and when we turned the light back on then back off(it was pitch black),we were all basically cuddling :P and there was weird thudding and jingling coming around the room and it got louder as though it was approaching us,and there was no source nearby to cause it(it was just us,no animals,no other people).We had also asked a question on a washboard and when we turned the lights back on,there was a weird mark on the bottom of the washboard that looked like a 4 or 6 or just something symbolic.and the next time,we wrote something on a washboard,and then we turned back on the lights only to see the writing was gone but newly red marks on the board and a tissue nearby(it couldnt have been either of us since it was pitch black and we dont know our way at all).Another time,it was pitch black and there was a weird glowing right in front of us.This isn't a joke,we all almost pissed our pants. We just want to do further investigation to see what we can do to help this trapped spirit (referring back to the voice i/we need help)

  19. I think it's all in your head. Ghosts? Since when did they exist.

  20. wear black tourmaline!it deflects negative energies!

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