
I really really really can not stand my homeroom/house teacher.?

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in australia at my school we dont have homerooms. when we do roll call it is in our house groups. i really cant stand the teacher.

whenever i go to school she yells at me and then i get so upset and i cry at home and sometimesi ts so bad i have to go the bathrooms and cry.

Like my best friend broke her leg and is in a wheelchair. when she came back i wanted to help her as much as i could. like she cant roll her self up the hill to the bathrooms where she has to go. she wanted me to help push her and stuff.

So when i went there, i went to my friend and helped her. I didnt releiase i would be so late and acciendtly missed the bus to phys ed. she was yelling at me. she said i was stupid and that i shouldtn care that much about my friend. she made me send an email to my sport teacher saying i was stupid and that i would never miss it again.

She blames me for everything.

we are allowed to wear our sport uniforms if we have pe that day.


I had a throat infection last week and forgot to get a medical certifacte as my mum said she would call the school and explain because it was a late night appoitment.

I was sick for the week.

the teacher just called me and didnt believe me.

she called my doctor!!!!!!!

and when we had cross country, the nurse was going to send me home because of really bad headaches and she gave me the choice of just walking with my best friend. When my friend and i finished she accused us of leaving the track and going to the cops.

i can not stand this lady and i want her toget fired.

what can i do about her?




  1. Well, if you're only with her for a few minutes, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Here in the States, you'd have to have serious issues with a teacher in order to get a teacher change and although it sounds like you're having problems, it seems like a clash of personalities more than persecution.

    If you feel that you desperately need a change, then I'd talk to whoever is her boss (assistant principal, principal, superintendent, etc.) and ask for their help in the situation.  

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